Category: Entertainment & Media 1830

  • The Cult of Celebrity and Its Effect on Society

    Table of Contents Celebrity Cult and Morality Tiger Woods Not Limited to Sports Personality Conclusion Reference List Celebrities receive such a remarkable level of attention today, and a lot of emphasis and value is placed on their actions. These are mostly the rich and famous and in this mad adoration, the media has given them…

  • Book Fairs and Literary Festivals Exhibitions

    Introduction These are two different types of exhibitions that differ in various ways, from participants to target audience and the targeted outcomes. Both have different target purposes and their purposes have been discussed in detail. Book Fairs This is an event usually organized by books publishers, authors, and booksellers, targeting to market, publicize, exchange, and…

  • Analyzing Stand and Deliver by Menéndez

    Table of Contents Introduction The Finger Man Scene The Restaurant Scene The Scene Between the Investigators and Escalante Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Stand and Deliver is a film in which a high school mathematics teacher Jaime Escalante helps students from Hispanic neighborhoods to pass a difficult test. The teenagers initially have no ambitions to succeed…

  • How Is a Birthday Party Planned?

    Some people think that they need to break the bank in order to throw a decent birthday party either for a child or adult. That is because most people get caught up in the swirl of activities and events that some people throw into their parties. They go to the extent of hiring professional party…

  • Why We Fight? American Documentarys Review

    Cinematography is a very diverse and multi-genre art, one of which is documentary cinema. A documentary is a film based on filming real people and events. Documentaries also have their dramaturgy and directors idea, so it is difficult to establish a boundary between documentaries and a game picture in some works. The high-quality documentary film…

  • The Media-Government Interaction in the US

    Table of Contents Introduction Principles of The Media The Current State of The Media Freedom and Government Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Throughout history, the United States has worked out the principles of relations with the media. For many decades, the American society has been discussing the problem of interaction between the media and the state…

  • Bill Moyers Journal  Rosedale: The Way It Is Video

    Spencers family moves into Rosedale, an all-white community. The residents living there look at them as a threat and fight to drive them away from their neighborhood. In one incident, their house is destroyed as other residents watch, and later, a bomb blast outside their place as a warning. The residents claim that blacks have…

  • The Koyaanisqatsi Documentary by Godfrey Reggio

    Technological development is an inseparable part of human lives as it influences almost every aspect of everyday routine. During the last centuries, scientific progress provided a large number of benefits, including an increase in life expectancy due to better healthcare and medicine, worldwide communication, superb logistics, and many others. However, technological development and the glorification…

  • Magic in the Popular Series Rome

    Throughout the existence of humanity, it was accompanied by religion, magic, and rituals. Thanks to people who preserve their way of life in the form it existed among their ancestors thousands of years ago, modern anthropology studies peoples past. In particular, magic that existed near representatives of these cultures was an important element of many…

  • Video Games Negative Impact on Children

    Video games have become very popular among children. There are different points of view concerning its influence on children. Some parents consider some games to be intellectual and useful for their children as far as such games develop their skills. Nevertheless, there are more disadvantages than advantages in modern video games. Parents should think over…