Category: Enlightenment

  • Essay on How Did the Enlightenment Cause the French Revolution

    During the late 1700s, France and Haiti were in constant revolution. The revolutions began because of Enlightenment ideas created by Enlightenment thinkers like John Locke and Rousseau. They vouched for the rights of the people and it sprouted new radical ideas in France and Haiti leading to revolution. However, the outcomes of the two revolutions…

  • Essay on the Influence of Isaac Newton on Enlightenment Thinkers

    The Enlightenment was a cultural movement stemming from philosophical paradigm shifts concerning changes in both cultural and socio-political dogmas, distinguished by the early modern European era. The culture of Enlightenment portrayed a radical break with the origins of Europes past due to the drastic change from a religious-driven world to a scientific basis, with the…

  • Essay on Father of the Enlightenment

    John Locke was known to be one of the most influential philosophers of the Enlightenment Era, and earned the title of the Father of Liberalism. Within his work, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, a foundational work during the Enlightenment, Lockes epistemological narrative reflects the claim that we, as humans, are not in the position to…

  • Theology in the Enlightenment Age

    Table of Contents Introduction The Mindset of Fundamentalism in Defense of Orthodoxy The mindset of Liberalism in Remaking of Orthodoxy Conclusion References Introduction Enlightenment was an intellectual movement. It is commonly held that the influence of enlightenment was paramount in the 18th century (Adorno, 2002). Some literary sources, however, indicate that it began way back…

  • The Great Awakening and American Enlightenment

    The history of Christianity includes the Protestant branch most represented in America and the most influential in America. Many Protestants, such as the English Puritans, found salvation with the beginning of the colonization of North America, rushing into the colonies, trying to escape from conflicts with Catholics in their homeland. De facto isolation in its…

  • The Age of Enlightenment and Its Issues

    The Age of Enlightenment is a controversial period in history, and its evaluation should include both advantages and drawbacks of the time. However, it is usually considered an exciting era full of opportunities and freedoms (Keane). Even though the perception of the Age of Enlightenment is primarily positive, this time is also criticized for some…

  • Platos Work Allegory of the Cave vs. Kants What Is Enlightenment?

    The two philosophical works, namely Platos Allegory of the Cave (1962) and Immanuel Kants What is enlightenment? (1784), present their authors views concerning a better state and society. Although they were written almost 2000 years apart from each other, the ideas that the philosophers developed share many common aspects. First of all, Plato and Kant…

  • Immanuel Kants Enlightenment Analysis

    In the essay What Is Enlightenment, Immanuel Kant provides readers with the definition of enlightenment as well as the path towards it. In his own words, enlightenment may be defined as mans release from his self-imposed tutelage. The tutelage, which can also be perceived as immaturity, is the concept by which an individual perceives the…

  • The Enlightenment Era Thought

    Enlightenment thinkers influenced the history of European countries and, consequently, affected the United States politics. The eighteenth centurys main political thought was based on changing the perception of authority and clarifying the importance of fundamental human rights. Democratic traditions have taken place in American culture since the beginning, influenced by the colonists unwillingness to serve…

  • Enlightenment and Its Impact on the French Population and the Industrial Revolution

    The phenomenon of Enlightenment is widely known among the scholars of history. The period between 1685 and 1815, referred to as the Age of Enlightenment, has hugely impacted various European countries economic and academic growth (Outram, 2019). The Enlightenment had an exceptional influence on both the french population and the Industrial Revolution, increasing the amount…