Category: Effects of Technology

  • The Peculiarities Of Science Fiction Films

    The film industry saw dynamic changes after the Second World War, which made Hollywood change its content and style. The Hollywood film industry experienced booming years between 1939 and 1946 with the industry significantly. As a result, their attendance and box receipts declined to almost half of the 1946 levels within seven years. The changes…

  • Reflection On Science Fiction Genre: Opinion Essay

    Our understanding of the current world can be relayed through many mediums such as the likes of art and literature, science fiction being one of the most influential genres. Although science fiction may not be able to predict the future, it is able to encapsulate our modern context and beliefs thus science fiction is capable…

  • Technology Versus Humanity: Opinion Essay

    Has Technology Exceeded our Humanity? After recently watching James Ponsoldts The Circle and Oliver Stones Snowden my mind became quickly flooded with thoughts that perhaps I did not fully understand the vastness that is the internet. The fact that we are trying to keep up with the latest gadgets and devices has made me a…

  • Is Technology Killing Creativity and Humanity?

    Creativity is a word that is hard to define. It might have a a lot different definitions , but through the use of imagination, creativity in its simple terms refers to the act of making something authentic, original, or unusual. And humanity is basically humankind. So, when we presented the real question, is technology really…

  • Man VS Machine: In Defence of our Humanity

    Origins As far back as the Stone Age, Man has sought to understand the world around him and make it inhabitable. Initially attributing natural phenomena and occurrences to the actions of gods and the spiritual, we eventually looked to science to explain the intricacies of our lives and ultimately make it easier through the application…

  • Is Technology Really a Blessing to Humanity?

    Technology has changed our lives. In the ever-developing modern society, technology seems to be an inextricable part of humanity. However, many people are focusing on how advanced automation can be, so much that alarmingly, few people are concentrating on how the negative impacts on humans have advanced due to automation. In fact, technology has more…

  • Humans VS Humanity

    Whether its technology such as touch screen phones, laptops (handheld computers), smart TVs, etc. Machines all serve their purpose to help benefit us in our daily lives. The industry constructing machines creates a huge need of laborers to work with and run machines. In result of the increased labor filled from open employment opportunities, and…

  • Roles Of Science In Space Exploration

    Over the years, humans have become more and more captivated in space exploration. Ever since it was discovered that it was possible to send humans to space (in 1961 using the Vostok 1), scientists have been engaged in constructing new technology that will assist in transporting humans onto another planet. However, there are many problems…

  • How Science Fiction Could Save Us From Bad Technology

    Science fiction is a genre of speculative fiction that typically deals with imaginative and futuristic concepts such as advanced science and technology, space exploration, time travel, parallel universes, and extraterrestrial life. The short film Slaughterbots portrays a not so distant future where multitudes of miniature automatons kill a huge number of individuals for their political…

  • National Research Council And Science Service

    In the 1920 the partnership between the National Research Council and Science service signaled the start that radio could be a dignified way to popularize science and for achieving positive publicity for all science. Science Service continued to be involved in radio production for the next forty years, essentially functioning as the scientific establishments sanctioned…