Category: Education 2143
Evaluation of an ESL English Course Book by Nemati
Summary Evaluation of an ESL English Course Book: A Step towards Systematic Vocabulary Evaluation, an article by Azadeh Nemati was a study meant to evaluate an English textbook used to teach pre-university students in the state of Karnataka, India. The study included 26 pre-university instructors that were recruited randomly from 12 public and private schools.…
Benefits of Using Ashford Universitys Library
While conducting research or looking for some information, undergraduates can turn to various sources such as the Internet, databases, books, and so on. However, not all the sources should be considered trustworthy or relevant and can be used in academic research. To ensure that students have access to reliable data, Ashford University allows them to…
Talent Development Programs and Levels of Service
The Executive Summary Mike has designed a graphic that will aid in illustrating the level of services approach. According to Mike, different levels of service should be used to address individual needs of students in grades k-12. The levels of service are designed in such as way the individual needs and requirements of the students…
Gifted Education as a Part of Total Program
Table of Contents Introduction Gifted education as a right Conclusion References Introduction Education of talented students in any school should be considered as a right not privilege. Education is considered as fundamental human right as per Act 445 of 1983 which is Quality of Education Act. According to the schools mission, programs for gifted should…
Sex Education for 8-9-Year-Old Age Group
Table of Contents Introduction Background Sex education for 8-9-year-olds Conclusion References Introduction The formation of healthy sexual identity is an essential component of a healthy personality formation and should be to a certain extent addressed on every stage of development. The importance of sex education for children younger than adolescent tends to be underestimated while…
Human Capital and Minorities Education
Table of Contents The Issues of Diversity Current Improvements Progress and Research National Initiatives and Their Drawbacks Consequences Conclusion Works Cited The Issues of Diversity Modern society is getting increasingly diverse by the day. A recent census report indicated that two in eight students trace his or her origin to the ethnic background of a…
Paraphrasing Technique in Learning and Writing
Introduction As opposed to direct citation, summarizing or paraphrasing a writers thoughts requires that one must have the capacity to present their understanding of writers views and coordinate them all the more consummately into the structure of their composition. Paraphrasing With the concrete end goal to react to others writings, we have to comprehend their…
Developmentally Effective Approaches in Early Education
Introduction The study provides a review of using the standard on early education, which was developed in the framework of the 2010 NAEYC Initial & Advanced Standards for Early Childhood Professional Preparation Programs. Specifically, the statement relates to the employment of developmentally effective approaches as the prerequisite of beneficial child support. ECE Profile Implication Providing…
Entering a New Learning Environment
Table of Contents Welcoming Environment Introduction of New Students Parents Assistance Diversity in the School Community Resources Inclusivity Entering a new learning environment is a challenging procedure for an ELL student. For this reason, schools offer a range of activities intended to make the process more seamless. The following brochure outlines the main steps in…
International University Ranking Systems
Introduction Almost 30 years after the launch of the worlds first system for ranking international universities, the world has seen several international university ranking systems come to the fore. Each employs its methodologies to identify the best universities around the world. Global university ranking has today been transformed into an industry (Taylor and Braddock, 2007:…