Category: Education 2143

  • Grading Rubrics: Tool for Evaluation

    Grading rubrics are rather helpful and detailed tools for evaluation. Sometimes, quizzes do not provide suitable feedback on the students skills, which makes this tool more reliable. Both teachers and students can benefit from using grading rubrics in various ways. In the following text, I will review the purpose of grading rubrics and share my…

  • Preparation for the American College Testing

    Preparation for any kind of testing may be more important than the process of passing it. This is since, at this stage, students can lay the foundation for the exam and study the essential parts that must be observed. Moreover, the preparation process has such advantages as providing knowledge that an individual will need in…

  • Struggle and Failure in English 1301

    English 1301 is a crucial part of the learning curriculum that gives emphasis to the core educational competencies. It supports speaking, writing, critical thinking, listening, reading, and computer literacy. English 1301 is devoted to the entire knowledge process, from developing an initial idea to the final submission, which can be in the form of writing…

  • Evidence-Based STEM (Science) Instructional Strategies

    Introduction There exist some significant differences between the instructional design used in science and engineering activities from the articles and the traditional methods of instruction that I have experienced in the past. First, these articles use designs that greatly emphasize the need for a practical approach. For science and engineering students, the best learning method…

  • Empowerment Series: Reading Diary

    The main topic and idea of the assigned reading was the importance of the ending phase in group sessions. Since participants realize that there is little time left before the end of the session, they can become more aware of the process, which increases their ability to pay attention to the materials introduced. The group…

  • Inclusive Education for Disabled People

    Inclusion is attracting people with specific disabilities to the general environment. Inclusion in school is essential today, used very actively, and many programs are being developed for this. This type of education is necessary for people with physical or mental disabilities, as this is how they can participate in society. No Places article Called Inclusion…

  • Interleaving Retrieval Practice& Study by Sana & Yan

    Table of Contents Purpose Participants Research Design Variables of Interest Validity and Reliability Critique Results and conclusions Ethical issues Reference Purpose The study investigated the long-term effects of interleaved retrieval practice in ninth- through 12th-grade science classrooms. The essay provides an in-depth analysis of the study, demonstrating its efficiency in light of the applied research…

  • Education of Dual Language Learners

    A recent language and literacy activity that was shared with students in my classroom was storytelling. The goal of the practice was to help the pupils strengthen their abilities to communicate their thoughts, ideas, and feelings. The activity did not require many items except for a prompt jar and pieces of paper, which the students…

  • Implementing Licenced Childcare as Opposed to Babysitting

    Introduction Developing a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to early childhood education is a significant problem in pedagogy. Licensed childcare proves its higher efficiency than babysitting because it provides children with professional supervision. Licensed childcare guarantees appropriate competency in specialists providing the services, while babysitters usually need to be more professional. It is particularly relevant to…

  • Investigating Self-Directed Learning& Article by Geng

    The purpose of the study was a comprehensive examination and thorough analysis of the dynamics of changes in students self-direction in learning within a certain period. Consequently, according to the type of article, this paper is scientific, based on causal relationships and competent interpretation of data. In particular, one should note that the authors focused…