Category: Education 2143

  • English Language Arts Standards Category

    Grade Level: Third grade State Standard: The selected standard falls under the English Language Arts Standards category. The specific standard is the demonstration of effective use of standard English grammar in writing. Objective Formative Assessment 1 Formative Assessment 2 Summative Assessment 1 Students should be able to identify, form, and use abstract nouns (such as…

  • Evaluation of Concept of Learning Organization

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Reference list Introduction The environment in an organization that is skilled to facilitate organizational goals is referred to as a learning organization. The learning environment is instrumental in the competitive commercial world. Learning organizations shift from typical worker training to instilling problem-solving, learning, and professional skills among worker. This…

  • Historically Black Colleges and Universities: Payment of Scholarships

    Historically black colleges and universities are a particular category of higher education institutions in the United States of America created for the education of the African-American population. This type of educational institution was associated with the abolition of slavery in order for black people to have the opportunity to receive higher education. The analyzed table…

  • Evaluation Focus and Question

    Table of Contents Introduction Measurements Data Methodological Approach Conclusion References Introduction Team Read, being a program aimed at assisting schoolers from the second to the fifth grade in terms of enhancing reading skills through high school students mentorship, encompasses the interaction with various stakeholders, including both students and mentors. For this reason, the major focus…

  • Why the Common Core Should Not Be Adopted by the State of Missouri

    Broadly, there has been much controversy over the involvement of the federal government in the public education system since the institution of the Department of Education in the U.S. This problem arises from the establishment of the Common Core standards. By definition, Common Core refers to a public education initiative underwritten by the National Governors…

  • Application of Interdisciplinarity

    The contemporary world has become more interconnected, and this unification has led to the emerging concept of interdisciplinarity. Multidisciplinary refers to the disintegration of old disciplines to create room for emerging items that would otherwise not have room in the field of sciences (Okamura, 2019). The interconnectedness across various subjects has led to the loss…

  • Aspects of the Oral Health Care Course

    Oral health care is a vast area which needs to be taught carefully and the right methodology. The course of The Oral health Care gives an outline of dental medication to draw in, teach, inspire, and help a student in working on the teeth of future patients and advising individuals from the community. I have…

  • Creating a Plan for Five Learning Centers

    Introduction A learning center is a space that makes early childhood learning easy and exciting. The primary objective of setting up a learning center is to enhance the learning experience and explore talent amongst learners. Learning centers also help children to learn the qualities of social life and improve communication skills. Zoo Animal-Motor Activity It…

  • Andrew Brown and Deborah Frye: Case Study

    Table of Contents Case Review Stakeholders The Primary Issue in the Case Recommendation of an Action Plan Implementation Approach References Case Review The case presents a number of issues regarding the development of a web-based training course on mission analysis by the U.S. militarys Office of Online Learning (OOL). The program has been developed within…

  • Remote Learning Is Often an Oxymoron: Article Analysis

    Introduction and Summary The COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated the institution of extraordinary measures to limit the spread of the disease. Key among them is the closure of schools to protect children and teachers from infection. The United States has instructed its learning institutions to suspend in-person learning as it responds to the unfolding humanitarian crisis.…