Category: Education 2143

  • Diversity: A Position Statement

    Diversity is far from being a mere abstraction. Rather, it is a holistic picture of a changeable landscape of any given society and the world as an intact whole. Diversity is mirrored in the mission and vision statements of every self-respecting educational institution, and I firmly believe that every individual educator should base their conduct…

  • Four Learning Theories

    Child development theories introduced in the twentieth century are now seen as pillars of modern psychology and education. The major frameworks are built on each other as theorists tried to address the limitations of previously created paradigms (Dastpak et al., 2017). Researchers also employed different approaches to explain central notions and phenomena related to child…

  • Effective Professional Learning Communities

    The contemporary educational system continually strives for advancement and innovation. Professionals are trying to develop new techniques to make sure that young individuals are receiving a significant amount of knowledge and learning to implement it effectively. One of the concepts widely used in the modern environment is the professional learning community. As mentioned by Glickman…

  • Making Connections: Creating a HAL Team

    Creating a Healthy Active Living (HAL) Team The Healthy Schools Framework and the School Effectiveness Framework are connected via various links, including common goals, team members, teaching and learning approaches, and leadership. Both frameworks propose the close collaboration of children, parents, and educators to ensure that students learn in a socially appropriate school environment. Among…

  • Professional Standards: InTASC and NPBEA

    InTASC and NPBEA Comparison The updated Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) standards have about 15 cross-cutting themes, which are sometimes explicitly stated or infrared in the document. In many instances, the InTASC standards themes are similar to those in the National Policy Board for Educational Administration (NPBEA) standards (Bateman et al., 2017). Two…

  • Educational Opportunities for Illegal Immigrants

    The right to education is often seen as something unshakable and accessible to everyone. However, there may be situations when it becomes not so easy to implement it. In particular, this applies to illegal migrants. The importance of providing them with access to education is obvious because it is not only an effective tool for…

  • Against All Odds: Course Overview

    The course is called Against All Odds and is located on URL. Curriculum was produced and written by Maggie Villiger and edited by Seth Bender, Brian Truglio, Jared Morris, David Berenson and Bret Upham with a list of other contributors. The topic of Against All Odds is related to statistics, as it shows how people…

  • Five Major Models of Education

    In section 38 of the chapter, Ibn Khaldûn emphasizes the existence of five major models of education: the methods of Maghribî, Spaniards, Infrîqiyah, Eastern world, and the instructions from Judge Abû Bakr b. al-Arabî. Considering each approach, the author gives preference to the latter, as it encompasses the idea of linear education. It means that…

  • The Learning Process: E-Learning: Academic Achievement

    It is of major importance to take advantage of childrens natural desire to study, their learning capability, curiosity, and creativity. Thus, teachers should enhance the tools that are used to encourage students to actively participate in the learning process, search for new information, and organize it in an efficient way. One of the most significant…

  • Discussing the Plan Language Act and Six Cs of Communication

    Thoughtful evaluation of words utilized is a crucial factor of any authors success. Plain Language Action and Information Network (PLAIN) states that it is vital to Choose your words carefully to avoid overly complex structures when writing a governmental document (The Plain Language Action and Information Network, n.d.). PLAINs suggestion corresponds precisely to the six…