Category: Education 2143

  • Coaching at the University Level

    Physical education is an indispensable part of a learning process, from elementary school to university. Sports not only help students develop their physical abilities but also relieve tension, build confidence, and improve self-discipline and teamwork skills. In this sense, coaching, specifically at the university level, plays a crucial part. The successful development of good exercise…

  • Using Signal Phrases for In-Text Citations

    Any theoretical science is built upon the previous findings, which need to be acknowledged to pay respect to the author and provide the reader with a possible background for understanding. The readers must understand what theory the writer is drawing upon for efficient scientific processes. More importantly, the citation approach helps to tackle the problem…

  • Clear and Simple as the Truth by Francis-NoëL Thomas

    It is believed that if students want to improve their writing, they need to learn mechanical skills such as punctuation and grammar. However, there is another opinion, and Francis-Noël Thomas and Mark Turner expressed it in their book Clear and Simple as the Truth, which was written in 1994. Its authors claim that writing may…

  • Not Bold, Centered, Upper and Lower Case

    A gifted student can be generally defined as an individual exhibiting outstanding achievements and capabilities in one or several areas, including intellectual, creative, artistic, or physical areas of performance. Since the definitions and criteria for the operationalization of giftedness are multifaceted (and often reductionist), it is difficult to present an exhaustive list of gifted and…

  • Public Education Definition and Analysis

    Public education is a core element of ensuring a nations prosperous future. However, modern education is not caught up with the drastic changes occurring in the world. Public schools do not teach people about managing personal finances, psychological health, and habits, promoting well-being and happiness. Therefore, it is necessary to implement a set of changes…

  • My Experience With the English Course: Learning Strategy

    The ability to write clearly is a necessity in the modern world. After completing this English writing course, I am positive about my progress towards acquiring the said skill. An array of reasonably challenging tasks have pushed my limits as well as exposed a few insecurities about my writing competencies. However, with weaknesses came strengths,…

  • Paraeducator Qualifications and Responsibilities

    Table of Contents Introduction Qualifications Responsibilities The physical needs of the students Shared planning time Communication and previous working experience Confidentiality Conclusion Reference Introduction Paraeducator, also known as para-pro, instructional assistant, educational assistant, classroom assistant, or teachers aide, is a person who assists students under the supervision of a certified teacher (Douglas et al., 2019).…

  • Learning About Persuasion Through Feedback

    Convincing people allows the author to prove ones point of view and show different perspectives on controversial issues. Persuasive writing is a valuable skill that unveils the students ability to compose an argument and logically support it. However, it takes a long time to learn to do it properly and truly master the competence to…

  • Education. Susan Carters Voicing the Doctorate Article

    Table of Contents Background Present paper Relevance to our project Reference Background Susan Carters Original knowledge, gender and the words mythology: Voicing the doctorate (2012) is focused on understanding the voice of doctoral writing and the functions it performs in establishing an academic identity for authors. The article was inspired by the 2010 International Doctoral…

  • Formality vs. Informality Comparison

    The English language is a paradigm of lexical diversity, a variety of semantic meanings and structures. Hence, when used in different utterances, one smallest lexical unit might bear a significantly different semantic load, which later modifies the whole conversation flow. For this reason, it is of crucial importance to learn how to differentiate formal and…