Category: Education 2143

  • Comparing and Contrast Knowles and Michaels Principles of Practice

    Conventionally, people have understood more on how animals learn rather than the children. In addition, how children learn is more understood than the way adults learn. Probably, it is because the method of learning was adopted by the practical psychologists whose standards needed the management of variables. In addition, the rules in which animals study…

  • A Learning Portfolio and Its Role in Educational Process

    Education is a rather difficult and psychological process, which involves not either a teacher, or a student, but both of them. Learning portfolio is a representative or selective collection of ones work [in a students case, usually drawn from classroom work] often amounting to a documentation for a personal resume (My Learning and Class Portfolio).…

  • The Topical Directions of Contemporary Research in the Sphere of Education

    The present paper is devoted to topical directions of contemporary research in the sphere of education and presents the range of topics of great significance for educators. The choice of the topic has been inspired by various spheres of personal and professional experience along with outside sources, such as current news, peer reviewed journals, and…

  • Different Perceptions in Knowledge

    Introduction Knowledge in this world is relative not always what we see but also dependent on other extra-sensory perceptions. Unlike animals who mostly judge the world and its knowledge in a limited way with their senses, our methods of perception include the use of the five senses, reason, logic, emotion and intuition. Many times, the…

  • Data Generation Method in Foreign Language Learning

    Introduction Learning a foreign language is often regarded as the constant process of learning by heart the new words, grammar rules, exceptions from these rules etc. Nevertheless, the teaching practice reveals the fact that the learning process depends on the motivation of the students, the professional approach of the teacher, and the educational level of…

  • Review of the Journal of the Use of Milk Thistle

    The introductory part should try to give clear and precise informative ideas which are related to the topic of discussion. This will enable the person reading to have a clear perspective of what the paper is all about hence enabling him to understand more clearly. In regard to this, the introductory part should avoid too…

  • High-Quality Instruction: Creating a Lesson Plan

    High Quality Instruction Educational professionals have often mentioned that the current system of learning and teaching program requires High-Quality Instruction that ensures structured student learning, desirable academic performance, which provides benchmarks for students classroom performance. This paper attempts to create a lesson plan that describes various steps of a language classroom. Lesson Plan Anticipatory Set…

  • The Educational Approach Inclusion

    Inclusion is a pedagogical practice where the learners with specific academic needs learn in the same context and environment as those who do not have special academic needs. Inclusion, therefore, grants the special needs student the right to participate in normal educational activities (Ainscow, 2003). This practice does not recognize the use of specials schools…

  • Phonemic Awareness: Components of Reading

    Table of Contents Introduction Essay Body Conclusion Reference Introduction Phonemic awareness is the ability to hear, recognize and maneuver phonemes which are the basic units of sound that help in meaning differentiation through the separation of a spoken word into distinct phonemes. Phonemic awareness helps childrens reading, comprehension as well as spelling. It also forms…

  • Proper Methods of Collecting, Organizing, and Referencing Information

    Table of Contents Introduction The graphic aids Parts of a formal report Special skills in team writing How to write an effective proposal for various purposes Works Cited Introduction Carrying out the collection of the right data and making sure they are recorded most appropriately is quite important in coming up with a successful business…