Category: Education 2143

  • Special Education and the Principles of NCLB 2001

    A democratic society should provide equal opportunities for all citizens in all spheres of life. Moreover, since the appropriate educational level is one of the main factors that determine the successful future of every person, it should be the first consideration of the state to provide qualitative education to all citizens. Some people need special…

  • Partnership in Character Education Grant

    Table of Contents Project overview Student voice Meaningful service Community partnerships Reflection Progress Monitoring Other Project overview The program began with the introduction of the newspaper articles on the topic of bullying. On reading the articles, the discussion between students was organized; its subject was the bullying in other schools and the major problems it…

  • Dedication as an Element of Personality Formation

    Introduction Everyone has observed in life the fact that true dedication is the background of success in business, education or any social activities. The system of education requires complete involvement and active participation of the students to reach success and obtain necessary qualifications. Dedication is considered to be an integral part of students perfect achievements…

  • Educational Funding. Meme and Kozol Concepts

    Outline Educational funding is an issue that has been sought to be addressed by the various activists; most of these people have different views on how the same impacts the success and future of the students. It has been observed that the standards of education mostly in public schools have continued to deteriorate. This has…

  • Program Outcomes and Learning Objectives

    The issue of the investigation is knowledge, skills and attitudes that can be apprehended by employees by means of different educational programs: autodidactism (self-directed learning or self-education), andragogy, and transformational learning. Thus certain employee training programs can be compiled in order to improve the overall effectiveness of a universitys enrollment and market management team. Thereby…

  • Principles of Good Citizenship in International Academic Research

    This paper frames some of the considerations to be made when designing a research on principles of good citizenship in international research. From the considerations, it is clear that the relevancy of the topic itself has to be questioned before designing a research methodology or writing anything in relation to the topic. One key consideration…

  • Quality of Reading of Two Children

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Reference Introduction While listening to the reading of children, I was to contrast and to compare the quality of reading of two children who a good level of reading skills and a bad one. This kind of descriptive analysis is aimed at defining the major concepts of training…

  • Effectiveness of the Learning Process: Study Skills Concepts

    Table of Contents Introduction Mnemonics Time Management Styles of Learning Reading Lectures Conclusion Bibliography Introduction Within increasingly higher educational standards and expectations throughout the country, there is great pressure on students to study and perform well. Yet, Americans often fail to equip their children with fundamental study skills that are needed for academic achievement. A…

  • Learning With Interactive and Visual Representations

    Table of Contents Introduction Thesis Body Reference Introduction Effective learning does not take place by the use of a single method only. For efficient learning, therefore, the instructor must use a combination of several presentation methods. We have a diversity of these methods which include lecturing, organizing group discussion, and experimentations. Of all these methods…

  • Will Utilization of the Warning System Provide an Increase in Notes Going Home for Bad Behavior

    Introduction Education is one of the main significant issues in the modern world, as peoples future in all spheres of life depends on the level of education. Education is the starting point for the skilled and experienced society, which provides different types of work in the country. To be educated people, students should get good…