Category: Education 2143

  • C. Tomplinson and N.Anderson on Young Adult Literature

    The literature assigned for reading is considered to be of great contribution to the understanding of class arrangement, disclosing new strategies and methodologies in teaching approaches. The books under analysis are Essentials of Young Adult Literature by Carl TTomlinsonand Entering the World of Childrens Literature by Nancy Anderson; it is necessary to stress that they…

  • Weekly Journal  Week Four. Weeks Reading

    The main points in the weeks reading can be summarized by emphasizing the promotion of reading in students who resist and the way such practice can be achieved. Additionally, it can be said that the reading was formed as an essential guide, through which a teacher can assess, analyze, and implement strategies through which he/she…

  • Battle of the Books. Plan for Building a Class Library

    The elaboration of a proper plan for building a class library with restricted resources would require thorough thinking over the possible resources and funding methods. It is necessary to decide whether children will be allowed to take books, and what books, home. Surely, the books should be children-oriented, with large letters, photo images. The books…

  • Zinssers Classification-Division in College Pressures

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Works Cited Introduction A classification essay is used to find common denominators among categories, while a division essay breaks a thing into its components to find out how it works or why it does not work. William Zinssers 1978 essay, College Pressures, is a division essay which analyzes a…

  • Professional Education for Company Employees

    ABC Corporation has developed a new technology program, which is essential for the whole staff of the company. The time limit is six months, and one more essential condition is that the age range of the personnel varies from seventeen to seventy years. Taking these factors into account, we should analyze the basic factors that…

  • Collaborative Learning Community: Genre Matrix

    The essence of collaborative learning is in the joining of intellectual efforts by students, or students and teachers together (Smith & MacGregor, 1992, 1). Though there is a great variety of activities in collaborative learning, all of them may be characterized as being student-centered, and they are aimed at students exploration or application of the…

  • The UK Education System: Differential Patterns of Attainment

    The purpose of this paper is to examine the UK education system and how it distinguishes amongst children as being an integral element of the social procedure and what makes them to be differentially absorbed into the broader sections of society. Although such a differentiation is important, the established processes may not be of much…

  • Qualitative Design and Analysis

    Type of qualitative design in each article The Qualitative design in the first article is the reading and analysis of textbooks at the foundation level of education. The phenomenological design has been adopted in the second article (Conceicao, n.d., p. 33). Phenomenologists, in contrast to positivists, believe that the researcher cannot be detached from his/her…

  • Language Arts Standards Alignment

    Abstract Alignment is making sure that, the materials used to teach at school can match with assessments set and the standards expected to attain specified grade levels. This involves using a standardized curriculum with the aim of teaching the expected content. Tests are used to assess whether the students have mastery of what has been…

  • Views of Young People Towards Physical Activity: Article Critique

    For the past three years, I have been Head of Physical Education (PE) at an Independent Girls Secondary School. There are three hundred and seventy-five students at the school with approximately fifty percent of the students weekly boarding at the school. I know from experience that the inclusion of physical activity in the curriculum of…