Category: Economic Growth

  • United Kingdom-Ghana Economic Growth Disparities

    Table of Contents Introduction Background Ghana and United Kingdom: Disparities in Economic Growth Conclusion Reference Introduction The economy of a given country will influence the experiences and lifestyles of its citizens and how they address emerging challenges. Nations will have diverse rates of growth that are determined by various factors, including productivity factor and the…

  • Deficit Spending and Economic Growth

    Table of Contents Introduction: Defining Deficit Spending Advantages Disadvantages Crowding Out Effect Conclusion References Introduction: Defining Deficit Spending In order to gain an in-depth understanding of the economic outcomes of the Great Recession and other financial catastrophes, it is crucial to grasp the concept of deficit spending. The media has been the source of public…

  • Transportation Developments and Subsequent Economic Growth From 1865 to 1900

    Technological advancements in the field of transportation are essential to consider when discussing the subject of economics. Several researchers state that the period from 1865 to 1900 manifests a significant rise in nationwide profits in the United States, spurred by the transport system changes (Rosenberg 50). In this essay, the main factors of increasing economic…

  • Resources and Economic Growth in the Indonesian Region

    As a target article to analyze, the study The Role of Natural and Human Resources on Economic Growth and Regional Development: With Discussion of Open Innovation Dynamics by Saleh et al. (2020) is chosen. The articles main topic concerns the assessment of the role of various resources, including natural and human ones, in achieving economic…

  • Are Minimum Wages Harmful or Helpful to Economic Growth

    The minimum wage is an economic policy in which the state controls the minimum income of the citizens. It is distributed all over the world and is embedded in any economic model as an essential element. This model has both economic benefits and disadvantages that affect the outcome of any change in the minimum wage…

  • Economic Growth Factors in Australia

    Table of Contents Inflation Consumer price index (CPI) Analysis Reference List External factors such as Consumer Price Index (CPI), consumer behavior, and inflation rate play a very important role in stimulating economic growth. For instance, the rate of inflation of a given economy will affect its growth since a high inflation rate may lead to…

  • What Is the Best Way to Stimulate Economic Growth?

    What we know about the global financial crisis is that we dont know very much Paul L. Samuelson. The historical examples of economic growth and downturns and economic theories propose different ways out and solutions to overcome the financial crisis and stabilize the economic situation in a country. I am not a professional economist or accountant…

  • Joseph Schumpeters Evolutionary Approach to Economic Growth

    Introduction Evolutionary economics is mainly concerned with the study of the processes involved in the transformation of global and local markets. The field focuses on economic changes in relation to industries, firms, and institutions. It also analyses the impacts of these developments on employment, trade, growth, and production (Dopfer, 2005). The transformation is perpetuated through…

  • The Relationship Between Unemployment and Economic Growth

    Among the factors that define economic growth and development, human resources and unemployment are considered to be the most vital. The well-trained and educated labor force has a significant and direct effect on the economy by producing a high-quality product. However, the problem is not only in finding sufficiently trained workers but in the inability…

  • Trade in Environmental Goods and Economic Growth

    Abstract Currently, there have been talks about economic growth and trade. As well, there has been the issue of economic growth and environmental conservation which has become a global issue. This means that there should be a way of addressing this global issue while at the very time encouraging global trade. This is the reason…