Category: Divorce

  • How My Parents’ Divorce Affected Me: Personal Narrative Essay

    You promise everythings gonna be okay?, I ask my mother every night before hopping into bed. Its almost as if every time I do this, a huge weight is lifted off my shoulders and I can peacefully fall asleep once I hear her reply with, Yes I promise, now goodnight. Id say its my way…

  • Causes of Divorce Essay

    Introduction to Divorce and Marriage What is the meaning of marriage one might think its the happiest thing in the world, while others might think its the worst thing one can do in life. All human beings think differently depending on the situation. Divorce can be defined as a legal dissolution of marriage because of…

  • Fighting Divorce: Psychological Effect Essay (Literature Review)

    Brian, (2011) stated Separation is linked with highly increased risk of so many psychological and social problems throughout the life span of a person. While experiencing parental separation most of the family members especially children have rough reactions towards divorce during the process but once its done gradually they learn to deal with it. It…

  • Does Premarital Cohabitation Lead to Divorce Essay

    Premarital marriage one of the more puzzling findings in family sociology recently has been the strong negative association discovered between premarital cohabitation and marital stability. Regarding popular belief living together before marrying is an effective way to reduce a couple’s chance of divorcing. Major studies in several Western countries show that couples who cohabit before…

  • Divorce Narrative Essay

    I have heard many compliments from You’re doing a good job You’re amazing when you put your mind to things and of course You’re going to do great things when you get older. I have always minimized my achievements and never took pride in any of my accomplishments. Deep down I felt I didnt deserve…

  • 5 Paragraph Essay about Cause of Divorce

    A divorce is described as the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body, in other words, its the separating or dissociation from something in this scenario a spouse. According to the American Psychological Association about 40 to 50 percent of married couples in the United States divorce. This statistic seems…

  • Divorce Pros and Cons Essay

    Divorce has been practiced since the genesis of humanity. Did you know that there are signs that can tell if you will end up in a split with your spouse? Moreover, did you know that you can tell the signs way before the actual annulment of your marriage? Well, read this. Broken families are a…

  • Persuasive Essay about Divorce

    We cannot expect every marriage to be a successful one and if shall works then the partner involved in marriage should specialize in the division of work and resources in every aspect. Although divorce rates have increased over the years it has a major impact on the couple, children, and society as well. It includes…

  • Essay on the Making of a Divorce Culture

    Filipinos have always been regarded as family-oriented citizens. The Philippine Constitution considers family as the basic unit of society thus, ideally, couples who are joined in marriage are expected to have children, build stable bonds as a family, and stay together until the end, which is the common Filipino concept of family life. However, Sta.…

  • Legalizing Divorce in the Philippines Essay

    Hiraya Divorce Support strengthens the legalization of divorce in the Philippines. The purpose of this group is to help people who suffer from a miserable relationship. Where we advocate divorce to help them get out of those relationships and start a new life. Our group will focus on the movement for divorce legalization. Many suffer…