Category: Discrimination

  • Changing Social World and Addressing Discrimination

    Individual discrimination involves two or more racial or ethnic groups in which the actions of one have an obviously harmful effect on the other. This form is often found in everyday American life and manifests itself, for example, in poor service in a store due to skin color (Sociology, 2016). The understanding of interpersonal racism…

  • Researching of House Discrimination

    Aranda, C. L. (2019). Housing discrimination in America: Lessons from the last decade of paired-testing research: Testimony before the house appropriations thud subcommittee. Policy Commons, 46(2), 96-115. Arandas main arguments about the existence of housing discrimination are unequal accessibility to socially significant objects. For example, the black population of America lives further away from schools,…

  • Socetys Problem: Family and Racism

    Azouz, Samy. Existence in Black and White: Theatrical Representation of the Varieties of Racism in Amiri Barakas Select Plays. Journal of African American Studies, vol. 23, no. 3, 2019, pp. 147161. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1007/s12111-019-09430-0 The study in question will be particularly useful in determining the effects that racism has had on the current issues in the…

  • The Persistence of White Racism in the United States

    The chapters content is based on the history of slavery, the end of segregation, and acceptance of Native American citizenship. In the present day, white Americans consider White racism a thing of the past that is no longer in existence. On the contrary, the population of color America comprising of Native Americans, Latin Americans, and…

  • Color-Blind Racism as a New Face of Racism in Contemporary Society

    Table of Contents Introduction Blatant bigotry The ideology of racism Conclusion Introduction The color-blind perspective of race is widely believed to be the new face of racism in contemporary society. People who adhere to the tenets of this ideology usually claim that they do not see race and that racism is not a significant problem…

  • Colorblind Racism and Race-Based Medicine

    Many people tend to claim that the modern United States is equal and democratic, and it is an example of colorblind life when individuals ignore racist issues. However, I think that it is impossible to be racially colorblind because representatives of different minority groups face many challenges today. Criminal justice system data, mortality rates during…

  • How Structural Racism Is Addressed by Open Science

    Structural racism is a problem that has persisted in society for a significant period. Spreading its influence in the roots of the many systems the world relies upon, it becomes a danger to many and an issue requiring significant attention. Statistically, disparities between groups of people can be seen, with many of the differences aligning…

  • Racism and Biases Based on Social Issues and Attitudes

    Table of Contents Introduction Language Use Power Control Social Issues Social Attitudes Conclusion References Introduction Racism may take numerous aspects and manifest in different settings. Bias and hostility directed toward anyone depending on skin color, ethnicity, or nationality are examples. Often, racism is connected with facades of cruelty and intimidation. However, it does not have…

  • American Racism, Violence, and Brutality in the 21st Century

    The problem of racism has been relevant in America for a long time. Still, it flared up with renewed vigor in connection with shocking and resonant incidents in the early twenty-first century. The rapid development of technology has made it possible to capture most of these cases (photo and video materials). The media and social…

  • Institutionalised Racism  Myth or Reality?

    Table of Contents Introduction The Scarman Report  effective policing vs. racism The Macpherson Report  institutional racism, a harsh reality The teeth of the law Conclusion  the reality References Introduction Crime, power and discrimination have been interlinked and will continue to remain so, though the intensity of such interdependence is bound to change…