Category: Disaster

  • The Hurricane Katrina: Consequences

    Introduction Natural disasters encumber economic and social growth since they destroy resources that are hugely depended on by a given society. While some of the disasters are unpreventable, the governments and all stakeholders have taken steps to counter their negative impact. Hurricane Katrina is one of the unprecedented disasters that led to deaths and the…

  • FEMA Assistance to Man-Made and Natural Disasters

    Introduction The Federal Emergency Management Agency can provide financial assistance and, if necessary, direct services to eligible individuals and families who, as a result of a large-scale natural disaster, have incurred expenses. FEMAs programs are focused on meeting the immediate needs of victims and their families and helping them take the first steps toward a…

  • Henderson Flood Hazard and Risk Assessment

    Table of Contents Introduction Flood Hazard Analysis Flood Risk Assessment in Henderson Hazard Probability Exposure Level Vulnerability Performance Mechanisms Recommended Steps and Actions for Managing the Risk Conclusion References Introduction The selected community for this analysis and discussion is Henderson City in Nevada. This urban setting is found in Clark County, which is found southeast…

  • Earthquakes Intensity and Magnitude

    Intensity measures earthquakes strength and indicates how much the ground shook. An earthquakes magnitude quantifies its size. There are two ways to measure magnitude; the maximum amplitude of a shear wave and the distance a fault moves. Intensity can be measured by the damage the earthquake causes and the movement a person feels. The size…

  • Disaster Recovery Plan At Vila Health

    The comparatively recent disaster (the derailment of an oil-tanker train) unveiled the vulnerability of the community and the weaknesses of the existing disaster recovery plan at Vila Health. Some of the barriers to the effective implementation of the disaster recovery plan are the lack of resources and peoples overall unpreparedness to collaborate effectively. During the…

  • Lake Oroville Disaster: Analysis

    The Oroville Dam is located on the Feather River in Northern California, east of the city of Oroville. The dam is an earth-filled embankment design and was built between 1961 and 1968. The dam is built on the geological terrain called Smartville Ophiolite Complex. It is described as steeply dipping and strongly foliated meta-basalt, meta-diabase,…

  • Chornobyl Disaster: Exploring Radiation Measurement After Fukushima

    Table of Contents Introduction. Details of the Event Radiation Exposure Effects Radiation Syndrome Radiation Measurement Dose-Response Relationship References Introduction. Details of the Event The event is Chernobyl disaster. Flawed reactor design caused it (Westmore, 2020). It resulted in discharge of radioactive particles. Mistakes made during testing. Mostly affected regions include Europe and western USSR. Deaths…

  • Why the Hurricane Katrina Response Failed

    Hurricane Katrina was the most destructive hurricane in US history, hit in late August 2005. The most severe damage from Hurricane Katrina was caused to New Orleans in Louisiana, where about 80% of the city area was underwater, and about 700,000 people lost their homes (Rohland, 2017). Artificial accidents, oil spills, increased crime, and lawlessness…

  • The US Disaster Recovery Systems Analysis

    The wave of disasters that have struck different parts of the United States of America over the recent past implores attention for two reasons. The first is that disasters contributs to a pattern imputable to climate change, where extreme weather events become more frequent and severe. The second reason is that retrospection reveals possible flaws…

  • Developing a Disaster Recovery Plan for Vila Health Community

    Introduction The purpose of the presentation aims to develop a disaster recovery plan that will address the health disparities and improve access to services after a disaster, with a focus on supporting vulnerable populations. The goal is to ensure that everyone in the Villa Health Community has access to the healthcare services and resources they…