Category: Disaster
Nurses Role in Disaster Planning and Preparedness
Table of Contents Introduction Planning Preparedness Response Recovery Miami-Dade County: Emergency Management Plan Plan for Addressing Mass Casualty Situations References Introduction Public health officials play an important role in disaster planning and emergency preparedness. Specifically, nurses are involved in disaster planning and preparedness together with response and recovery. This section addresses the role of nurses…
Natural Disaster Preparedness in Texas: Nursing Response
Natural Disaster Southeast Texas is the territory largely affected by such natural disasters as hurricanes. Due to its geographic peculiarities, the area can be hit by strong hurricanes every year, with increasing severity and frequency depending on the ocean temperature that fluctuates each decade (Ahrens & Henson, 2021). Hurricanes are typical of coastal areas and…
The Role of Nurses in Disaster Management
I am a Plastic and Reconstructive Nurse with the majority of my patients being Breast Cancer victims who have undergone mastectomy and are after Breast Reconstruction. Most of my patients have undergone the procedure successfully and have maintained healthier lives with them following the recommended practices expected of them as a result of their condition(s).…
Spiritual Considerations in the Context of a Disaster
Natural and manmade disasters can cause substantial challenges in the context of health service delivery. Such events are often associated with particular spiritual considerations due to their strong relation to such concepts as suffering and death. As people reflect on the nature and purpose of their existence, community nurses, as well as other health care…
Disaster, PTSD, and Psychological First Aid
Table of Contents Insights on Psychological First Aid Description of a Natural Disaster I followed on the Media How First Responders Should React to Future Disasters References Insights on Psychological First Aid Psychological first aid includes strategies designed to help and support children, adolescents, and parents exposed to disasters and terrorism. The approach recognizes children…
Earthquakes: Effects on Peoples Health
Earthquakes are one of the global environmental health issues that hugely impact peoples lives in certain geographical areas and communities. This is one of the physical hazards that basically represent the impact of natural disasters on peoples health and mental wellbeing. Due to the earthquakes difference in strength, their effects on human health are different…
Disaster Recovery Plan in Overcoming Disparities
Health, Cultural, Social, and Economic Barriers Affecting Safety, Health, and Recovery Health services are a social determinant and barrier that affects community health, safety, and recovery efforts. Lack or limited access to health services can significantly affect a communitys safety during a disaster (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2020). This is because injured…
Disaster Triage and Nursing Utilitarian Ethics
Table of Contents Introduction Selection of Ethical Theory Identification of Ethical Dilemma Utilization of the Theory and Its Robustness Conclusion References Introduction One could hardly doubt that the professional settings of nursing practice are closely connected with the emerging of numerous ethical dilemmas. Nurses are exposed to ethical conflicts on a daily basis, and the…
Disaster Planning and Health Information Management
Table of Contents Introduction Disaster Planning Recommendations Conclusion References Introduction Both natural and man-made disasters can have a harmful impact on long-term facilities ability to continue everyday business operations. In the past, due to the absence of an adequate disaster plan, our healthcare facility lost all health information, which became a serious challenge. This paper…
Community Health: Disaster Recovery Plan
Healthy People 2020 Goals Boosting lifespans and quality of life Eliminating health disparities between groups Ensuring healthy physical and social environments Supporting health across life stages First two goals are plan priorities Note: Healthy People 2020 is a government initiative aimed at improving health for all groups. Its objectives are raising length and quality of…