Category: Disaster
Emergency Planners Role in Disaster Preparedness
Introduction Some emergencies are hard to prevent. Therefore, the only way of dealing with them entails putting in place strategies for responding to their effects to minimize the suffering of the affected people. Although disaster managers have the responsibility of ensuring that emergencies do not translate into immense suffering, other emergency management efforts such as…
Space Shuttle Columbia Disaster: Results
Table of Contents NASA Leadership Stop Work Authority (SWA) Risk Management Implications of SWA in Risk Management References NASA Leadership The Space Shuttle Columbia (SSC) disaster occurred on February 1, 2003, leading to seven deaths and discrediting NASA management (History, 2018). The tragedy initiated a series of internal organizational changes, and it was evident that…
A Report on Earthquakes Using Scientific Terms
The current essay is a report on earthquakes using scientific terms from the course. First of all, moment magnitude or moment magnitude scale refers to the relative size of an earthquake. This term was introduced by seismologists Kanamori and Hanks in the 1970s (Rafferty, n. d.). Moment magnitude of an earthquake is tightly connected to…
Planning Disaster Management in the Urban Context
As it always occurs with management processes, one of the major problems with the principles of handling disaster issues is that they are hardly applicable to large cities. Simplifying the problem of disaster management for megalopolises, one must admit that, the bigger the city is, the harder it is to control and direct its population…
International and South Africas Disaster Management
The Rationale and History of South Africas Organizational Approach to Disaster Management When South Africa gained self-governance status in 1931, one of the issues that its government focused on was the management of major disasters. Historically, the country had experienced major disasters that claimed many lives over the years because of a lack of preparedness.…
Article Review: The Impact of Hurricane Katrina on Trust in Government
Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Reference Introduction The purpose of their present research is to assess the impact of Hurricane Katrina on the public trust levels towards government officials. The research applies the trust concept to and measured in dwellers of several counties within Mississippi and Louisiana. The authors assume that the level…
9/11 and Hurricane Katrina in Psychological Aspect
Introduction The 9/11 terrorist attacks and Hurricane Katrina changed America and its responses to emergencies. Hurricane Katrina and the 9/11 attacks were two of the worst natural disasters and terror attacks, respectively, in US history. Beyond the physical devastations, Hurricane Katrina and the 9/11 attacks led to eminent health and mental health challenges among victims.…
The New Normal Concept After Disaster
Many people affected by Hurricane Sandy lost their beloved ones and found it hard to cope with the disaster. The victims lost most of their belongings and houses. A human services professional should, therefore, be on the frontline to analyze the situation and provide adequate support that can promote recovery and re-patterning of lives (Bloomquist,…
Psychological Issues After a Crisis or Disaster
It is almost impossible to avoid crisis and hard to lead a disaster-free life. According to a developmental psychology theory by Erick Erickson, crisis and major life changes have similar features but distinct magnitudes and impacts on ones life. How an individual or community copes with different life crises has an extremely remarkable influence on…
Disaster and People Behavior Changes
Disasters have continuously occurred In the world causing adverse effects not only to the physical environment and the people affected physically by that disaster but also to the future generations of the place. These disasters, whether man-induced or natural have to lead to changes in the ecosystem. The Tsunami, the Katrina, the Haiti earthquake are…