Category: Disaster

  • Forest Fires as a Global Environmental Hazard

    Table of Contents Introduction Forest Fire Conclusion References Introduction Natural disasters are various natural phenomena that cause sudden interruptions in the normal functioning of the population, as well as the destruction and damage to property. They often have a negative impact on the natural environment. Natural disasters typically include landslides, earthquakes, mudflows, floods, snowdrifts, volcanoes,…

  • 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami

    Table of Contents Description and Explanation Prior Events and Warning Signs Response and Consequences Conclusion Appendixes Works Cited In 2004, South Asia experienced one of the deadliest tsunamis and earthquakes in history. It was notable for two reasons  its almost unprecedented scale and unexpected nature. Both the scientific community and the governments were taken…

  • Galveston Hurricane of 1900 and Hurricane Harvey

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction The coast of the United States in general and Texas in particular experiences tropical storms on a regular basis. Hurricanes hit the Texas coastline, often causing property damage on different scales and, sometimes, fatal casualties. However, some of the hurricanes in the history of the Lone…

  • Earthquakes Impacts on Society

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Economic Impacts of Earthquakes Environmental Impacts of Earthquakes Interrelation of Earthquake Consequences Conclusion References Introduction Earthquakes are natural disasters that frequently result in other accidents such as landslides, fires, floods, and panic reactions among the population. Every year about 250-300 cases of damaging earthquakes are reported globally (Wyss &…

  • Disaster Preparedness: Miami, Florida

    Table of Contents Accessibility of the Plan and Its Understanding by Citizens Management of Information in the Plan Informatics Tools for Incorporation in the Plan Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Crowdsourced Social Media Conclusion References The development of a disaster preparedness plan is a priority for all states, and Miami, Florida, is no exception to…

  • Chernobyl and Fukushima Disasters: Their Impact on the Ecology

    Table of Contents Concepts and Theory Components of Radiation Ecological Effects of Radiation on the Earth Conclusion References The Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear disasters represented the most significant dangers of such power plants. The Chernobyl accident released higher radiation levels due to its design and the human error involved. In comparison, the Fukushima reactor was…

  • Loss Prevention and How It Was Affected by Hurricane Katrina

    Introduction Hazards and natural disasters have until recently caused uncountable losses to property and life, with some calamities giving losses in hundreds of billions of dollars. An example is the most damaging flood in United States history, known as the 2005 Great New Orleans Flood or the Katrina. It is estimated that the damages incurred…

  • Hurricane Katrina: Hazards Management

    Table of Contents Introduction Arguments for rebuilding along the shorelines Arguments against rebuilding along the shorelines Conclusion References Introduction The events of Hurricane Katrina that hit the Gulf Coast in August of 2005 are best described as the most devastating. Lives were lost, homes were destroyed and property worth millions ruined in this natural catastrophe…

  • Has the Media Changed the Response to Natural Disasters?

    Table of Contents Summary Literature review on media and disasters Theoretical framework Research design Method ethical information structure References Summary In most cases, when a disaster strikes, the first people that tell the world about it is the media (Reyes &Jacobs, 2006, p. 444). Upon hearing of any disaster that has occurred, the media tries…

  • Hurricane: How Human Actions Affect It

    Throughout history, the United States has had many catastrophic and costly natural disasters, some of which have caused billions of dollars in damage, and the number of dangerous phenomena is only increasing. Hurricanes are one of the most potent forces of the elements, which cause significant destruction, great damage to economic facilities, and lead human…