Category: Disaster

  • Disasters Influenced by Technology

    The nature and health of a communitys natural environment play a critical role in determining what hazards could affect their mitigation, response, and recovery strategies. Through this, the health and nature of a communitys natural environment influence the social and building systems of the community. For instance, a community located in a coastal area increases…

  • Structural Violence and Hurricane Matthew in Haiti

    Paul Farmers chapter Suffering and Structural Violence explains the concept of structural violence and applies it to Haiti. According to Farmer, structural violence occurs when the political, economic, or social structure of the country facilitates the suffering of certain categories of people. Vulnerable communities are characterized by various axes of oppression, which can be any…

  • Managing Change, the Challenger and Columbia Shuttle Disasters

    Table of Contents Introduction Organizational Analysis The Challenger Tragedy Columbia Disaster: Again? Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The crash of the Columbia and Challenger space shuttles is often construed with varied opinions and views among Americans and indeed all people of age and size. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), which is the worldwide leader…

  • Natural Disasters and Disaster Management in Katmandu

    Contents Introduction Overview of Kathmandu Valley Disaster Management in Kathmandu Structure and Legislation Disaster Management Section under MOHA structures Strategies for Disaster Management Coordination Forum on Disaster Management Risk Management Project Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Kathmandu experienced a sequence of earthquakes in the 20th century. More than eleven thousand people died during an earthquake that…

  • Effects of Earthquakes: Differences in the Magnitude of Damage Caused by Earthquakes

    An earthquake is a sudden tremor of the earths surface or below and occurs naturally due to various factors (Cari 4). Earthquakes start either underneath or on the exterior of the earths crust depending on the basis that led to the tremble or tremor. The magnitude of an earthquake measures the amount of energy released…

  • Chernobyl Disaster and Engineering Ethics

    This paper examines the Chernobyl disaster ethical issues. Specifically, it analyses the engineering ethics, what went wrong, and how to avoid similar disasters in the future. Table of Contents Abstract Chernobyl Disaster Chernobyl Ethical Issues Analysis Annotated Bibliography References Abstract This Chernobyl ethics case study reflects events that occurred on the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.…

  • Noahs Floods: Development of the Grand Canyon Rocks

    The solar system is believed to have majorly contributed to the formation of the Earth when a cloud of massive swirling dust and gas condensed through a supercooling. Earth has evolved over 4.5 billion years, after such occurrences of massive cooling (Hill, 2016). The solid formed is the current core and the crust, on which…

  • Measuring Inequality in Community Resilience to Natural Disasters by Hong et al.

    Table of Contents The overview of the study How the study fits with the current state of knowledge The type of study and data collection How the data supports the researchers story and conclusions References The overview of the study The scholars analyzed mobility patterns of mobile devices to determine the movement of people in…

  • Valero Refinery Disaster and Confined Space Entry

    Summary of the events On November 5, 2010, a disaster occurred at the Valero Delaware City, Delaware. Two workers succumbed to suffocation within a process vessel. According to the report, the victims were unaware of the presence of too much nitrogen, as a result of the gas being odorless in nature, and unable of identifying…

  • Environmental Studies: The Chernobyl Disaster

    Table of Contents Background Events and factors leading up to the disaster Attempts to deal with the accident Impact on human health Impact on the environment Conclusion Works Cited The Chernobyl disaster, affecting all of Europe to some extent, was a tragic but perhaps inevitable result of decades of government policies that affected plant design,…