Category: Disability

  • Psychological Testing in the Service of Disability Determination

    Table of Contents Introduction Objective Personality Assessment Projective Personality Assessment Synthesis, Conclusions, and Recommendations References Introduction Professionals working in the mental health field have sought to measure peoples personalities to understand why they behave in specific ways. Projective and objective methods of personality measurement are the most common methods of assessment (Gregory, 2014). Objective methods,…

  • Human Developmental Disabilities in Students

    This paper highlights different health conditions exhibited by students in the The United States of America and various parts of the world. It is an integrated focus on disabilities and disorders in the development and well being of the human body. The paper gives basic examples of sentences that use terms that relate human developmental…

  • The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    Education is the field with several social policies guided by governments and different groups are developed. These policies help to improve the conditions under which people could ask for and get an education. In addition to the existing policies, special paradigms and theories are used to improve the quality of services offered. Therefore, to comprehend…

  • The Handicapped by Bourne as a General Framework for Dealing With Representations of Disability

    The purpose of a democratic society is to make all people that are the cells of society equal. However, there are people who have inborn or acquired disabilities that complicate their communication with other people. The further study will be based on the analysis of the features of mentality and conditions that are often faced…

  • Intellectual Disability Problem Analysis

    Table of Contents Introduction Intellectual Disability: Background Signs of Intellectual Disability Developments in Intellectual Disability Available Services and Support Conclusion References Introduction Developmental disorders are a group of conditions that affect peoples growth and the ability to complete normal tasks. A good example is that of intellectual disability (ID) and individuals who have limitations in…

  • Evaluation of Clients with Intellectual Disabilities

    The purpose of this blog is to analyze potential challenges for evaluation and provide personal action plans that might be taken to address evaluation in the field education experience. Evaluation challenges might stem from the clients unique needs or abilities and insufficient resources to assist in the change process. As an essential component of evidence-based…

  • US Medical Leave, Discrimination, Disability Acts

    Abstract Employment laws are enacted for, they offer protection to employees and employers. Understanding and complying with the laws does offer societal benefits. When a company is seeking employees it is necessary to understand the laws to avoid conflict of interest and legal battle there after. The importance of understanding this law and complying with…

  • Americans With Disabilities Act for Small Business

    Table of Contents A Restaurant Business History of ADA Issues that I need to be aware of concerning ADA Other ADA issues that may arise Conclusion Works Cited A Restaurant Business The research paper uses a restaurant business as a case example of a small business. The business will deal with the provision of services…

  • The American Disability Act in a Labor Law Case

    Table of Contents What Is ADA? How Is ADA Enforced? Where Is ADA Implemented? Disabilities Considered by ADA What Happened in the Case Agreement With the Case Decision Obligations and Responsibilities Benefits of ADA to the Disabled What We Learn From ADA Case References What Is ADA? ADA stands for American Disability Act which is…

  • Care for People with Various Disabilities: Learning Plan

    Table of Contents Learning Goals and Objectives Week Schedule Placement Issue Objective Description References Learning Goals and Objectives The proper care delivery to people with various kinds of disabilities is both a challenge and one of the priorities for all medical organizations and community services across the country. During the daily rounds both nurses and…