Category: Diet & Nutrition 423

  • Braising and Stewing Cooking Techniques

    Introduction Braising and stewing are similar cooking techniques, which are different in terms of liquid usage and heat intensities. Stewing uses medium to low heat and submerges ingredients in liquid, such as broth. The food is slow-cooked for the entire duration of the process. Braising utilizes dry heating on high heat, followed by wet heating…

  • Culinary Arts and Nutrition

    Introduction Food habit of people changes with time. This paper deals with culinary arts and nutrition. It discusses the relevance of nutrients in our food. It explains why I selected the field of culinary nutrition. It also explains the goals of selecting such a field. Food consumption style of people changes according to the change…

  • Haitian Cuisine, Its History and Influence on the World

    With a land area of a bit more than 20 thousand square kilometers, Haiti encompasses the western part of the island of Hispaniola (Vilsaint & Hall, 2021). This is a tropical place with a variety of vegetables and fruits. Among fruits are avocados, coffee beans, cocoas, coconuts, citruses, limes, and others. Additionally, various vegetables and…

  • Breastfeeding and Formula Feeding

    New mothers have to make critical decisions regarding whether to breastfeed their babies or not. This personal choice will present the cons and pros to both the child and the mother. While many people support the benefits associated with breastfeeding, some might be against it due to various reasons. The purpose of this argumentative paper…

  • Nutrition Labeling Meaning and Importance

    Nutrition is the diet of a human being; his intake of food and the necessary mineral and nutrients that come with it. The word nutrition is derived from nutrients, which are the essential ingredients that a human body needs to survive and be healthy. The knowledge of nutrition is extremely important for a person because…

  • Carbohydrates Role in Nutrition

    Abstract Carbohydrates, comprised of sugars, starches, and dietary fibers, are a macronutrient that is critical to human health. They are responsible for a significant portion of ones dietary energy intake. Excessive consumption of carbohydrates due to overreliance on added sugars and refined grains is a major cause of obesity and other health problems. Furthermore, sugars…

  • How the Nutrients of a Hamburger Meal Are Processed Through the Body

    The first step to obtaining nutrients from a hamburger meal is taking it by mouth and then breaking it with saliva and teeth. Subsequently, in order for nutrients, including protein, carbohydrate, and lipid, to be utilized for energy, the hamburger meal must undergo mechanical and chemical digestion (Digestive System Processes, n.d.). Thus, all of it…

  • Healthy Eating Habits and Nutritional Plan

    Introduction Nutrition is basically the most fundamental part of human living. A human beings health is basically the result of what he or she eats. What we consume in our bodies determines how our health is going to be. The greatest challenge for most human beings is identifying a good and healthy eating regime and…

  • Plant-Based Meat: Advantages and Disadvantages

    Table of Contents Introduction The Advantages of Plant-Based Meat The Disadvantages of Plant-Based Meat Conclusion References Introduction Starting from November 2021, McDonalds started its new attempt of introducing plant-based meat by presenting the specific vegan burger Mc Plant. According to current research related to plant based-meat products, the appearance of such products is in line…

  • Potato: Origins, Diffusion and Adaptation

    Introduction Potato is one of the most significant worlds vegetable crops for several reasons: the inherent capacity for production, beneficial income from distribution, and even nutritional advantages. Nowadays, it contains the fourth place for largest food crop after rice, maize, and wheat. It has also become the fundamental component of practically all world cuisines. When…