Category: Diabetes

  • Global Burden Of Diabetes

    Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are the most common reasons for death worldwide according to world health organization statistic the deaths related to (NCDs) is equal to or more than the total number of deaths that related to other reasons, and NCD responsible for forty-one million deaths out of fifty-seven million deaths occurred worldwide, that means NCD…

  • Epidemiology Of Influenza, Diabetes And HIV

    Introduction Transmittable sicknesses include ailment exuding from the microscopic organisms or infections and are spread through contact with the tainted surfaces, blood items, body liquids, bug chomps and even through air. The infrequent compassionate crises cataclysmic event coming about to the relocation of the populace, with unfriendly obstruction of the fundamental framework, over crowdedness, poor…

  • The Correlation Of Diabetes And Periodontal Diseases

    Introduction Periodontitis, which is a common chronic disease of the tooth-supporting structures, is caused by bacterial deposits accumulating on the surface of the tooth [Moghadam>>>1,2], leading to local oral inflammation. Local oral inflammatory process may induce systemic inflammation which could also aggravate systemic diseases including cardiovascular diseases, pulmonary diseases, rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes mellitus [Moghadam>>>3].…

  • Gamification In Diabetes

    Introduction Reports indicate that 30.3 million people are diabetic worldwide as of 2017 and it is estimated that 23.1 million are in early stages of diagnosis. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) report, about 28.8% of the world population suffer hidden diabetes (1). The prevalence of diabetes is estimated as 6% in…

  • An Impact Of Honey On Diabetes

    Many people with diabetes wonder, rightly, if they can consume honey and enjoy this ‘nectar of the Gods’. Honey is mostly composed of sugars and so it is important to control your consumption when you are diabetic. Among the sugars, however, honey is one of the most interesting. His qualities make him an ally to…

  • How To Follow Healthy Lifestyle

    Abstract Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia due to absolute (Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus) or relative (Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus) deficiency of insulin hormone. Diabetes Mellitus virtually affects every system of the body as a result of the metabolic disturbances caused by hyperglycemia, and if improperly managed can cause medical complications…

  • Genetic Explanation Of Diabetes

    A genetic disease is typically an illness that rises due to the deformity of the genetic makeup of a person. Genetic disorders may occur in a single-gene, chromosomal or complex disorders. Obesity is one of these diseases that is caused by genetic disorders. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 8.5 percent of individuals who…

  • Insulin Delivery: A Review Of Past And Current Methods

    Abstract Diabetes Mellitus is a condition that millions of people around the world suffer from. The hallmark of this disease is an insulin insufficiency. For decades researchers have sought to find and improve treatment methods for this disease, using various methods of insulin delivery. This article outlines some of the major techniques used over the…

  • How to Prevent Diabetes? Essay

    Diabetes can be easily prevented and controlled with the change in lifestyle. Modifying the lifestyle is the cornerstone for diabetes management and cure. These modifications in lifestyle involves various non-pharmacologic therapies and include a prescription for it, are regular exercises, yoga, healthy and mindful eating and stress management. Regular Exercises- Exercise is a prevailing way…

  • The Features Of Type 1 Diabetes

    What is Type 1 diabetes? How does it affect the bodys natural homeostasis? Are there ways to prevent and even get treatment? As your reading this research paper on Type 1 diabetes you will see multiple factors on how this disease can cause and even play in effect on other organs in the body such…