Category: Diabetes

  • Types Of Diabetes: Risk Factors And Symptoms

    What is diabetes? Its a disease that produces the hormone insulin and results in abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates it elevates levels of glucose inside urine and blood. It also affects how your body uses glucose. If your sugar is too low or too high you have a serious emergency, you have to balance your sugar…

  • Prediction Of Risk Of Diabetes Using Machine Learning Approaches

    Abstract Several health-oriented research makes use of machine learning strategies for the analysis, detection and the prediction of health dangers from specific attributes of patient health records. Diabetes is one amongst them, it is a frequent and extensive spread fitness troubles in India. Diabetes mellitus type 2 or type2 diabetes may additionally be a long-term…

  • Obesity as a Major Influence on People’s State of Health

    Do you know a person who has type 2 diabetes? Perhaps at risk of cardiovascular disease? Maybe even some musculoskeletal conditions or a form of cancer? This person may have one of these illnesses and they may also suffer from obesity. Obesity has been defined by the National Institutes of Health as a Body Mass…

  • Control Of Diabetes By Lifestyle Activities

    When people talk about epidemics, there are thousands of different diseases in the world and depending on the danger levels or the short or long term. One of them is diabetes disease. Diabetes is a long-lasting disease that can influence at any age. Family can be one reason for an individual to have diabetes. Not…

  • How Sugar Can Cause Heart Disease And Diabetes

    Sugar has been proven to be able cause many diseases. It has been scientifically shown by science, that drinks sweetened with sugar can cause an increase in visceral fat and can also cause a raise in blood pressure. Consuming a lot of sugar has also been proven to trigger the liver to discard dangerous fats…

  • Role Of Foot Screening In Patients With Diabetes

    What is diabetes? Diabetes is a metabolic disease that is characterized by increased blood sugar or hyperglycemia. It can occur due to derangements in insulin secretion, action or both. This increased blood sugar state can affect different organ systems which include blood vessels, eyes, heart, nerves, kidneys, and foot. Long standing diabetes is known to…

  • Type 2 Diabetes And Socioeconomic Position

    A systematic literature search in Nelson and CINAHL database for primary studies published in English were used to obtained articles ensuring reliability, quality and relevance (Aveyard, 2010) reason why Google and Wikipedia were not used. Sequence of key words such as: diabetes type 2, socioeconomic class/group/position, risk factors in UK, type 2 diabetes quality of…

  • Diabetes Management In Patients With Renal Insufficiency

    Chronic complications of Diabetes mellitus (DM), which are present in as many as 50% of the diabetic patients at the time of diagnosis, are a major burden for both the patients and the healthcare system at large. It is estimated that, more than two-third of healthcare expenditure related to diabetes is mainly attributed to chronic…

  • What Is Diabetes?

    Diabetes is a continual metabolic ailment that renders the physique the lack of ability to method enough amount or cannot advance of insulin. Insulin is naturally made pancreatic hormone that helps meals glucose get into the cells for electricity consumption. So the insulin inside your body is now not being used, ensuing in glucose to…

  • What Is Diabetes Ketoacidosis?

    Diabetes has become a typical malady among individuals everywhere the globe these days. To combat the wide unfold wings of polygenic disease, many modes of treatments have come back up. however {diabetes|polygenic disorder|polygenic malady} isn’t simply one disease. It comes in an exceedingly package of its many forms. Of them the foremost deadly one is…