Category: Deontology

  • Essay on Deontology Vs Utilitarianism in Nursing

    Introduction In the field of nursing ethics, two prominent ethical theories often come into play: deontology and utilitarianism. While both aim to guide ethical decision-making, they approach moral dilemmas from different perspectives. This essay will compare and contrast deontology and utilitarianism in the context of nursing ethics, highlighting their key principles and applications. Deontology in…

  • Utilitarianism and Deontology Views on Down Syndrome: Analytical Essay

    Utilitarianism means that you do anything to get the most amount of happiness. No matter what it takes in utilitarianism the bigger factor and, really the only factor that matters is being happy and receiving pleasure. If it means killing someone because it brings pleasure and for the greater good to you and others than…

  • Proofs of the Existence of God Based on Moral Conscience

    The deontological argument for the existence of God attempts to answer the question of whether the moral order and grounding ethics are possible without assuming that God exists. One of its formulations is Kants argument, which states that a superior order is required to guide people in their actions. God acts as a supreme legislator…

  • Kants Deontological Ethical Theory and Policing Ethical Practices

    The police system is a universal hierarchy that has the purpose to control the criminal world and ensure the citizens safety. Most police officers, when starting the education, decide to devote their lives to serving people within the framework of ethical values, norms, and principles. Notably, Immanuel Kants deontological ethical theory can be effectively applied…

  • Ethical Theories: Virtue Ethics, Deontology and Consequentialism

    Ethical theories give guidance on decision-making, especially when a person has to consider ethics in their actions and reasoning. There are three ethical theories; virtue ethics, deontology, and consequentialism. Virtue ethics is a philosophical approach to ethics that is primarily concerned with the persons character rather than duties as the key element for attaining an…

  • Teleological and Deontological Ethical Models

    For centuries modern philosophy has been discussing the possibility of applying two models or approaches to the problem of ethics. The principles by which a person functions and makes decisions are often at the center of philosophical works. Ethical philosophy tries to understand what should lie in the causality of a persons actions and, at…

  • Deontological Ethics and Principles for Parenting

    Deontology is an ethical science based on the teaching of moral issues. The focus of deontological ethics is on duties and obligations to be followed. At the heart of ethical teaching is the elevation of moral responsibility for the good, so deontology also becomes a way of justifying happiness as a consequence of duty (Hole,…

  • Kants Deontological Ethics in a Real-Life Example

    Since different peoples interests often turn out to be mutually exclusive, there are numerous situations, in which moral quandaries take place. For instance, it is possible to imagine a woman who has a seriously ill son. Her child needs an expensive drug to recover and survive, but the woman has already spent all of her…

  • Kants Deontological Ethical Theory and Policing Ethical Practices

    The police system is a universal hierarchy that has the purpose to control the criminal world and ensure the citizens safety. Most police officers, when starting the education, decide to devote their lives to serving people within the framework of ethical values, norms, and principles. Notably, Immanuel Kants deontological ethical theory can be effectively applied…

  • Ethical Theories: Virtue Ethics, Deontology and Consequentialism

    Ethical theories give guidance on decision-making, especially when a person has to consider ethics in their actions and reasoning. There are three ethical theories; virtue ethics, deontology, and consequentialism. Virtue ethics is a philosophical approach to ethics that is primarily concerned with the persons character rather than duties as the key element for attaining an…