Category: Deforestation

  • Deforestation in Cambodia Essay

    A drone camera soars over a timber yard where thousands of tons of logs are strewn across the ground. In one clip, a bulldozer scoops up a heap of wood while black smoke billows out of its exhaust pipe. In another, workers load wood onto the back of several truck beds. The wood is not…

  • Environmental Impacts of Deforestation Essay

    Most people never really think about how important trees are in life. The trees around tend to seem unimportant as people go outside. Most only see them as the scenery and background in life. However, people use trees in their everyday lives. For example, the furniture they sit on, the paper they write on, the…

  • Neural Network Models for Prediction of Deforestation: A Survey

    Deforestation, as one of the most uprising environmental problems in todays time, has been recorded as the foremost serious threat to the environmental ecosystem and one of the main factors that have contributed to the green cover change. This paper depicts various methods used for the identification and prediction of deforestation. Over the years, numerous…

  • Deforestation in Cambodia Essay

    A drone camera soars over a timber yard where thousands of tons of logs are strewn across the ground. In one clip, a bulldozer scoops up a heap of wood while black smoke billows out of its exhaust pipe. In another, workers load wood onto the back of several truck beds. The wood is not…

  • Environmental Impacts of Deforestation Essay

    Most people never really think about how important trees are in life. The trees around tend to seem unimportant as people go outside. Most only see them as the scenery and background in life. However, people use trees in their everyday lives. For example, the furniture they sit on, the paper they write on, the…

  • Neural Network Models for Prediction of Deforestation: A Survey

    Deforestation, as one of the most uprising environmental problems in todays time, has been recorded as the foremost serious threat to the environmental ecosystem and one of the main factors that have contributed to the green cover change. This paper depicts various methods used for the identification and prediction of deforestation. Over the years, numerous…

  • The Environmental Issues of Littering and Deforestation

    There are many issues that the earth faces and two big ones are the effects from littering and deforestation. These specific things affect the world around us and our communities. When people litter, they damage our oceans and when people chop down thousands of trees every day it damages a very crucial plant in the…

  • Afforestation and Deforestation Essay

    Deforestation is an environmental problem which can damage the habitats and the soil through erosion (Locatelli et al., 340). It is the cutting of trees which leads to the decline of forests. It is also a permanent destruction forest as a way of making land available for other uses such as settlements and farming. FAO…

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Deforestation Essay

    Our planet is covered by more than 10 billion acres of forests, which is approximately 30% of its total surface coverage. Now, about 15 million acres of those forests are being cut down per year so there is room for infrastructure and human assimilation. The Pros of Deforestation For one, our population is growing and…

  • Deforestation is Necessary for Development Essay

    Deforestation has always happened, humans have cut trees down to build houses, or grow crops, however the relatively recent industrialisation of our society has led to mass deforestation all over the world, including important ecological sites and habitats. Companies clear large areas for many reasons including crops like rice, and for keeping cattle. However is…