Category: Culture 657
Columbus Day Overview and Analysis
Columbus Day is a holiday celebrated throughout North and South America. It is also celebrated in some European countries, such as Italy and Spain. The day of the celebration is October 12. The day is meant to commemorate the discovery of the American continent by Christopher Columbus. This discovery changed the course of history for…
The Phenomenon of Indian Art and History
There exists a certain measure of sensuousness in portraying the human figure in Indian art which can be often described as art which actually borders on erotic and even a sort of pornography. This phenomenon can be observed throughout centuries from Indus Valley civilization to Rajput painting period. The artisans from the most varied periods…
American Cultural Studies in White Noise by Don DeLilo
Table of Contents Introduction White noise Conclusion Works cited Introduction America is considered to be the most influential nation in the world. Its cultural and economic practices have been preferred by people of different cultures which has made it popular. The country has gone through different faces that have formed the basis on which its…
Comparative Child of Russia and Kazakhstan
Russia: Maslenitsa Masha grew up in the north of Russia but has been living outside of her homeland for the last six years. She says that she had never realized what a great variety of rites and superstitions Russian people have until she moved to a different country. For example, Russian people do not whistle…
Circumcision: Pros vs Cons, Benefits, Risks
Table of Contents Issues Surrounding Circumcision Medical and Human Right Issue Conclusion References Circumcision is a medical practice that is surrounded by a lot of controversy. The main problem is that in some countries and cultures circumcision is a traditional practice both medicine- and culture-wise. Newborn babies are often circumcised because of various traditions, beliefs,…
Mexican Americans Lefi Analysis
I think that the most challenging aspect of Mexican American culture can be seen in their collectivist mindset. Although collaboration can be seen as one of the aspects of learning, individual assessment might be difficult in such cases. Another factor can be seen in maintaining a balance between the accommodations that students should go through…
El Colacho and Christening
Rituals in all countries are an amazing combination of pagan beliefs, magic, folklore, and religion. Sometimes the rites involved can be dangerous, but nevertheless, they have continued to be honored over the years. Some rites date back many centuries. Rituals have become part of the heritage of an entire nation, and hold deep meaning to…
People of the Bayou Cajun Life in Lost America
Table of Contents Likes about the book Dislikes about the book Conclusion Works Cited This book gives the story of a vanishing culture in an affectionate way. It also tries to maintain their culture despite the influence of a pre-dominant culture. The book gives a closer look to the day to day life of this…
Lawful Permanent Residents in Honolulu
Millions of people come to the United States in their search for better prospects, and some American cities are more attractive to immigrants than others. Honolulu, HI, is one of the places showing a decrease in the number of new residents by over 9% (Baugh, 2017). Nevertheless, thousands of lawful permanent residents still live in…
An Overview of the Arguments for & Against Circumcision
The first half of the international society firmly opposing the circumcision procedure usually names the following reasons to stand up against it: prejudice and cultural significance, the marital status, age, the social pressure, ethical factor. For example, some people refuse to get circumcised because they believe it will somehow distinguish them from their friends and…