Category: Culture Shock
Essay on Culture Shock: Phases and Ways of Overcoming
Introduction Students are usually exposed to cultural, social and intellectual experiences when they move from their home country to a foreign country. Culture shock is therefore the anxiety and emotional disturbance experienced by people when two sets of realities meet. The term was first named by Kalervo Oberg in 1960 who described culture shock as,…
Issues of Culture Shock Faced by International Students
The complex changes confronting the world today, particularly those resulting from the impact of globalization and technological revolution, have radically transformed the world in every aspect, especially the higher education field. By creating new systems of knowledge, learning and education furthermore breaking the boundaries of space and time between nations, the education opportunities became wider…
Essay on Immigrants Culture Shock
Based on our most recent census, Canada like many other developed nations encompasses an ethnically diverse populace that contains more immigrants than non-immigrants. Canada has offered protection to individuals fleeing persecution, individuals desiring an increased standard of living, and much more. As the Minister of Immigration, my commitment to all Canadians is to provide a…
Essay on Culture Shock: Phases and Ways of Overcoming
Introduction Students are usually exposed to cultural, social and intellectual experiences when they move from their home country to a foreign country. Culture shock is therefore the anxiety and emotional disturbance experienced by people when two sets of realities meet. The term was first named by Kalervo Oberg in 1960 who described culture shock as,…
Issues of Culture Shock Faced by International Students
The complex changes confronting the world today, particularly those resulting from the impact of globalization and technological revolution, have radically transformed the world in every aspect, especially the higher education field. By creating new systems of knowledge, learning and education furthermore breaking the boundaries of space and time between nations, the education opportunities became wider…