Category: Culture

  • Open-Source Software Culture

    Open-source software has been gaining increased popularity over the recent years and has become a standard of software development. In contrast to proprietary software, which can be altered only by its owners, open-source programs can be accessed by anyone, which provides multiple benefits for businesses and individual programmers. Its popularity has led to the emergence…

  • Teaching Influence: Science and Culture Class

    Table of Contents Modern science Active science community Mediating against undue influence Teaching science Reference List Modern science Modern science has affected the way people live in industrialized nations in several ways. It has led to better and faster means of transport ranging from road transport, through rail and water transport to air transport. The…

  • Cultural Anthropology: The Yanomami Tribe

    The online article Conflict and Human Rights in the Amazon: The Yanomami, by Stephanie Bier, is one of several case studies in a larger website documenting the intersection of environmental damage and human conflict1. Stephanie Bier, the author, was a 2006 American University graduate in International Service.2 The article takes the perspective of international service…

  • The Link Between Cultural Artifacts and Body Systems

    Artifacts People surround themselves with objects which reveal their cultural background and identity. People live in society and they are brought up by some rules and values, which are represented by numerous objects (Sole, 2011). For example, my friend has a baseball in his room. This object occupies a central place in his room. It…

  • Project Management and Cross-Cultural Issues

    Table of Contents Introduction Summary of the Articles Articles Critique Learned Lessons and Best Practices Reflection on Learning for International Projects Conclusion Reference List Introduction Today, business and interpersonal relationships have been significantly shaped because of the impact of globalization and the importance of promoting international trade. The era of globalization has changed many multinational…

  • Immigration in American Culture

    Table of Contents Introduction Immigration in the U.S. Hamilton Soundtrack Analysis Conclusion Work Cited Introduction Immigration is one of the most controversial topics in American culture, mostly due to a host of political issues associated with it. Despite a significant amount of research done on the subject, the public perception of immigration remains polarized. While…

  • Relations Between Women Equality, Cultural Prerequisites and Feminism

    Table of Contents Thesis Statement Introduction Cultural and Social Prerequisites of Gender Inequality The Impacts of Feminist Movement on Gender Discrimination Conclusion Works Cited Thesis Statement Although the development of feminist movement contributed to the reduction of gender inequality in some states and communities, the disparities plaguing women are maintained and supported by traditions, social…

  • Cultural Sensitivity in the County of Santa Clara

    Introduction The targeted social services agency for this exercise is the Social Services Agency of County of Santa Clara. This is a culturally sensitive organization that provides professional, protective, and financial services to the people of Santa Clara. The workers in the organization focus on the needs of adults, elderly citizens, and children. Employment opportunities…

  • Research Variables in Multicultural and Traditional Research Methodology

    Conducting research in the United States is a challenge because it is a growing multicultural community. A lot has to be considered before research can be done. Two research variables, observation, and sampling are selected to compare and contrast using multicultural and traditional research methodology. Observation may be defined as a collection of data through…

  • US Ethnic Communities History and Culture

    Introduction This is my experiential essay that focuses on communities. From a personal point of view, a community is a social unit of people with common characteristics and values. Therefore, communities can be a small or a large group such as local, national or international communities and lately the virtual community. This shows that we…