Category: Crime

  • Crime in Post-Katrina Houston Study by Settles and Lindsay

    Introduction The research article analyzed in the discussed paper presents the results of the study conducted by Settles and Lindsay (2011). The article investigates the topic of moral panic in the United States because of Hurricane Katrina and its influence on crime rates and the general state of the region. The study uses a mixed-method…

  • Cyber Crime : Issues and Threats

    Introduction Developments in technology have come with both advantages and disadvantages. The close association of technology and crime is neither new nor young. Over time, the potential to create harm through the supposed advantage of technologies has grown exponentially especially on the lines that exploit chains of trust of people involved (Wall 2). The revolution…

  • Digital Imaging and Traditional Methods of Crime Scene

    Technological progress allows police to integrate the latest innovations into their work routine to make crime scene reconstruction, geospatial analysis, and surveillance more efficient. One of such approaches is digital imaging, used for a long time but has recently reached rapid development. Criminalists create databases to collect text, digital, and physical information from multiple cases…

  • Race and Crime Among Minorities in the US

    Does being a white person still matter in succeeding in America? I strongly believe that the issue of race is still relevant in the United States. This is the case because representatives of specific ethnicities have access to numerous opportunities that can support their needs. Being a white person is something that matters in this…

  • Biometrics Recognition and Crime Prevention

    Introduction Any workplace is not insured against the crime. Theft of the workspace is a severe crime that needs to be taken into account with all the associated countermeasures. In the case of Acme Logistics, the equipment is stolen during business hours through the facility doors without any identification technologies. While the most effective solution…

  • Sociological Diversity and Its Impact on Crime Rate

    Hypothesis: People in a lower social class have more chances of engaging in crime than those in a higher social class Independent variable Social class- how much do you earn on an annual basis? Response categories are $0-$1 million+ Dependent variable Crime- have you ever engaged in crime? Categorical variables are yes or no. Theoretical…

  • Crime and Delinquency Theories

    Profane, sacred, social constructions Profane is something or some reference to a person who is not respectful of Orthodox traditions, mainly in a religious context. On the other hand, sacred refers to something that is religious and is connected to God, usually referring to or being attached to a religious group. Social constructions is a…

  • Sex Trafficking by Organized Crime Groups

    Table of Contents Introduction Background Feminist Theory The Impact of Globalization on Sex Trafficking Case Study FeministsEfforts to Improve the Situation Discussion Conclusion References Introduction The modern world is experiencing tremendous paradigm shifts as consistent and systemic efforts are being made to eliminate discrimination and create a tolerant and egalitarian society. Feminism is a movement…

  • Asian Hate Crime: Social Limitations and Economic Impact

    Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the recent reasons for increased Asian hate crimes. Asian American discrimination has already affected employment, provoked economic stress, and challenged cooperation. However, the history of Asian hate crimes could be traced long before the pandemic, when first Asians came to the United States and were ready to take…

  • Racial Discrimination Cases: Federal Hate Crime Charges in Black Joggers

    Introduction Racial discrimination happens when a person is considered unacceptable or is denied the same possibilities as others in a similar position because of their ethnicity, birth country, racial origin, or skin color. Racial insults, insulting remarks regarding a persons racial background, or the showing of racially offensive symbols are all examples of bullying. This…