Category: COVID-19

  • The USA and Singapore Health Care Addressing COVID-19

    Table of Contents Introduction Models of Health Care The Structures of the Health Care COVID-19 Situation in the Countries Conclusion References Introduction All the countries around the globe are trying to combat COVID-19 by financing health care. The United States and Singapore are the states with different models and expenditures to health care. The situation…

  • COVID-19 Vaccination: Necessity of Excessiveness

    Table of Contents Introduction Counterarguments to COVID-19 Vaccination Conclusion References Introduction COVID-19 has set the world in a continuous state of crisis. It continues its stretch worldwide with new strains that revitalize the fight against the dangerous virus. Despite the tide slowly turning, the dangers and contagiousness of COVID-19 cannot be underestimated. Thus, one of…

  • Literature Review: COVID-19 and Eye Diseases

    Table of Contents Prevalence and Examples of Ocular Manifestations Pathogenic Mechanisms Implications for Research and Clinical Practice Conclusion References The spread of coronavirus disease that originated in Wuhan, China, led to a global pandemic affecting people in different ways. COVID-19 causes pulmonary problems and impacts other systems of the human body, including cardiovascular/circulatory, digestive, immune,…

  • Impact of COVID-19 on Nova Scotia, Canada

    The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all the countries and their economies in various ways. Deaths, quarantine, social instability are just some of its factors. The Canadian case is definitely not the words compared to what happened in the United States, Italy, or, for instance, Russia. Nevertheless, it is essential to examine all the possible cases,…

  • The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic

    The year 2019 will forever be engraved in many peoples hearts and minds as the time when a deadly virus known as the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) invaded almost all the sectors, thereby disrupting daily activities. It is described as a communicable respiratory illness which is triggered by a new strain of coronavirus which leads…

  • Covid-19 Effects on Treatment-Seeking Veterans

    The article under analysis is a scientific paper, The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on treatment-seeking veterans in the United Kingdom with preexisting mental health difficulties: a longitudinal study, that describes a research conducted by Hendrikx et al. (2021, p. 1). The authors address the impact of the pandemic on the mental health of veterans…

  • Largest Epidemiological Study of COVID-19

    The research that is believed to be the largest epidemiological study of Covid-19 was conducted in two Indian states, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, and has revealed several important findings. Although it did involve a large number of confirmed Covid-19 cases, the study only examined cases and traced contacts in India, and this factor can…

  • COVID-19: Overweight as Risk Factor

    Table of Contents Potential Hypothesis Experimental Methods Conclusion Reference List Potential Hypothesis Body mass index directly correlates with human survival in infectious and chronic diseases, including infection with a new coronavirus type. The higher the index, there are more chances of getting cardiovascular pathologies or type 2 diabetes. As a result, obese people will be…

  • COVID-19 Impact on New York State Population

    The COVID-19 pandemic has been described as an unexpected occurrence that has affected many social and economic systems globally. However, the impact of the pandemic has not been felt equally by different communities. According to Reyes (2020), African Americans have been more affected by COVID-19 than other communities in the U.S. social identities influence social…

  • COVID-19 Debate: Masks for Vaccinated

    Introduction COVID-19 is a global problem that medical professionals and government officials have been trying to control for the sake of the general populations health and livelihood. The initial efforts were implementing the policies and requests for wearing masks and other protective gear that would minimize the risk of infection and transition. However, the development…