Category: Conflict

  • Conflicts, Politics, and Conflict-Handling Styles

    Conflicts in society and organizations are inevitable as any environment that presents a common ground for an exchange of different opinions is inevitably subjected to disagreements. Although conflicts are frequently associated with negativity and emotional involvement, conflict as a term stands for the clash between individuals with differences in interests, opinions, attitudes, or backgrounds. Thus,…

  • Dealing with Conflict in Healthcare Settings

    Table of Contents Introduction Essence and Ways to Avoid Conclusion Reference Introduction Management and organization of work in medical institutions are difficult since it is necessary to combine responsibilities and actions into functional units, determine the lines of communication, and develop coordination models. A rank hierarchy is an effective form of organizing the work in…

  • Conflict Management Styles

    Table of Contents The Context of the Conflict Competing Collaborating Compromising Avoiding Accommodating Recommended Conflict Management Style References The Context of the Conflict I was in a queue waiting to pay for a pair of shoes which I had purchased. A customer ahead of me started complaining that the service representative was too slow. He…

  • Cultural Conflict Description

    In a diverse multi-cultural society, cultural conflicts between individuals that represent different backgrounds might occur frequently. The differences in the cultural background might be attributed to the distinctions in age, gender, race, ethnicity, or nationality. The inability of individuals to understand each others worldviews or behaviors due to the inherent cultural paradigms leads to a…

  • Conflict Self-Assessment and Resolution

    Conflict Resolution Approaches While summing up my conflict self-assessment score, I can note that I use avoiding and accommodating approaches less frequently than the others. This is because these methods are ineffective strategies for overcoming controversial situations in the workplace and bring few benefits to any of the conflicting parties. Avoiding disagreement means leaving everything…

  • Conflict Theories: Gay Marriages and Feminism

    Table of Contents Introduction Is Same Sex Marriage Feminist Matter? Do they Mind the children? Conclusion Reference List Introduction The information provided by research and theories usually work to intimidate certain groups; for instance, the minorities like gay and feminists. Because of such daunting perspectives on research and theory, many people do not trust research…

  • Conflict Styles and Ways to Resolve It

    Styles of behavior observed in conflict situations differ between various people and situations. The collaborative style was used when there was a need to consider the needs and desires of the other party. The purpose of its application was to develop a long-term mutually beneficial solution. There was also a compromise style during the observation,…

  • Conflict of Interest in Speech Therapy

    Conflict of interest in clinical practice and, more specifically, in speech therapy is a phenomenon emerging due to the presence of varying perspectives of personal and professional nature. These aspects do not correlate with each other and lead to the need to balance employees responsibilities in developing solutions and their private concerns (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association,…

  • Conflict and Functionalism Theories

    Functionalism theory Functionalism theory developed from the work of Durkheim, who evaluated how part of society unite to form a whole society (Andersen and Taylor, 20). The theory gives an account of each section of society that comes together to build a whole society. According to functionalism theory, each part and institution depend on each…

  • Role Ambiguity, Role Strain and Role Conflict

    I was a college student who was constantly busy with academic life and work. I was a full-time student, worked part-time at a retail store, and was also the president of a student organization. Despite my busy schedule, I felt fulfilled and enjoyed being involved in multiple activities. However, everything changed when I received an…