Category: Community Service

  • Charity Among Teenagers Essay

    You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give. – Winston Churchill This quote is what volunteering is all about, being a light in the darkness for someone else, being a light doesnt just mean giving money but its also about giving time and love. Volunteering can take…

  • The Nature Of Community Service Organisations (CSOs)

    Community service organizations are those organizations, whose primary objectives are social rather than economic. The core of the sector includes charities, religious organizations, arts organizations, community organizations, campaigning organizations, trade unions, and other not-for-profit organizations (Hudson Mike, 2009, p. xvii). Usually referring to organisations that work with a confined local or regional focus. Community organisations…

  • Strengths And Weaknesses Of Community Service Organizations

    According to my opinion I would like to start the proceedings of this essay by highlighting some of the important areas along with other relevant information which will be clearly illustrated with further explanations which is included in this particular essay. Specifically, the primary objective of this essay is to focus into the strengths and…

  • The Features Of Community Service Organisations

    Simply put, the objectives of any community service organisation are to  Act with high standards of ethics and integrity. Honour and respect the privacy and confidentiality of clients and staff, acting reasonably and competently to deliver a quality service to clients and stakeholders. Act fairly, responsibly and observing their duty of care to clients…

  • The Role Of Volunteering In Human Evolution

    Volunteering is something that has been around for many centuries , Homo sapions idaltu is an extinct subspecies of Homo sapiens that lived approximately 160,000 and is the first recognition of man . Despite the fact there is no evidence to prove this we can assume he was the first man to feel sympathy towards…

  • Qualities Of Volunteering

    Starting to take action may be hard, as there are many things that people do not even worry about, but are major problems in the world. Most teens and maybe adults should involve themselves because they may not be involved with current issues surrounding the environment. Getting into a higher society is dependent on the…

  • Volunteering And Theory Of Benefits

    Large scale and mega events often have effects on whole economies and they resonate in worldwide media. These include major sporting events, such as the Olympic Games, World Cups, the Commonwealth Games, some world championships, but international exhibitions, such as World Expo, Special Expo, also belong to this group. These events constantly grow in size,…

  • Why Community Service Benefits Inmates More Than A Shorter Sentence

    The question becomes whether or not the community really ever could be a victim, and if so, whether or not community service really makes sensible the community losses. Some have answered within the affirmative, positing that the community could be a secondary victim that’s indirectly eviscerate by crime. for instance, the community suffers psychological injury…

  • Community Service Learning: Feelings And Activities

    World Quest Dorothy childrens home was founded by Elias Mbaabu on the 18th of august 2009. Elias lived in the United States of America with his wife. On one of his visits to Nairobi with his wife, he came across street kids, his immediate instinct was to help them however he only had a thousand…

  • Why Community Service Benefits Inmates More Than A Shorter Sentence

    The question becomes whether or not the community really ever could be a victim, and if so, whether or not community service really makes sensible the community losses. Some have answered within the affirmative, positing that the community could be a secondary victim that’s indirectly eviscerate by crime. for instance, the community suffers psychological injury…