Category: Cold War

  • How Did Competing Ideologies During the Cold War Affect Guatemala? Essay

    While portrayed by the Soviets as a simple trade deal, transactions such as these amount to something far more sinister. Repaying a loan in raw materials and the purchase of Soviet finished goods only cemented the dynamic between the two countries. Brazils position as a less developed producer nation with an agricultural focused economy was…

  • Evaluate the Causes of the Beginning of the Cold War

    Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr, an Orthodox historian, predominantly holds Russia responsible for the cause of The Cold War. When measuring the causes, he argues that it is vital to highlight Russia’s sense of insecurity which led to an aggressive adherence to Leninist ideology and a troublesome view of world order that involved sharp contradictions. The…

  • How Did the Cold War Affect Domestic Policy? Essay

    Often, new wars follow closely behind old wars. This was the case with the 1947-1991 Cold War. This war was not characterized by thousands of deaths due to bloody battles but by long-term tension between the Soviet Union and the United States with their allies. Starting almost directly after World War II, the Cold War…

  • How did Military Spending Influence the End of the Cold War? Essay

    He focuses on what Reagan endured and sacrificed in order to reach the end of the Cold War therefore conveying it is the life and soul given to the cause that matters. It is evident that Reagan invested his time and life in and out of office to this cause according to Schweizer. Ronald Reagan…

  • Pros and Cons of the Cold War

    Have you ever wondered how we live in the world that we live in today? What made it become what it is now. Sadly war played a large effect on how America is today and the Cold War is one of them. It had many causes and also many long and short-term effects. Let’s start…

  • Lasting Effects of the Cold War

    Ronald Reagan once said,We seek the total elimination one day of nuclear weapons from the face of the Earth, but that was in 1985 and there is no sign of the complete destruction of nuclear weapons ( This is exemplified in the ongoing War on Terror in Iraq and Syria. For quite some time, Americans…

  • Korean War and Vietnam War Compare and Contrast

    The Cold War The Cold War was the political tension between the USSR and its states known as the Eastern bloc, and the USA and its allies known as the Western bloc in the mid to late 20th century. The reason for it being called the Cold War is due to the lack of direct…

  • Sino-Soviet Relations During the Cold War

    If one was to think of the Cold War, what would first come to mind? For the vast majority of Western people, notions and tales of American and Russian conflict and tension and all related events spring to mind. Yet, Vietnam and the Korean Peninsula were far from the only regions in the Far East…

  • Reasons Why Cold War was Not a War

    18 years ago, in 1991, it was the year that the Cold war had ended. More than four decades of the geopolitical tension between two superpower nations  the Unites States and the Soviet Union, however, there are still a lot of debates going on whether was it really ended as now there is a…

  • The Origins of the Cold War

    The Cold War was a state of political hostility between the West and the USSR which was formed through a number of economical tensions, geographical tensions and propaganda between the two nations. Over the years, the concept of the origins of The Cold War have been heavily debated amongst historians thus resulting in different schools…