Category: Classroom

  • Reflective Essay on Seminar Presentation

    Introduction Quantity surveying is one of the most important majors in the civil engineering field, The Quantity Surveyor, also known as a Construction Economist, or Cost Manager, is one of a team of professional advisers to the construction industry. As advisers, they estimate and monitor construction costs, from the feasibility stage of a project through…

  • English Class Reflection Essay

    When I first started this English class, I was not sure how well I would do. When I met my professor, Rebecca Samberg, I gained more confidence because she explained the materials in such a way that helped stimulate my interest. I feared I would struggle through the course but being under the supervision of…

  • Classroom Management Techniques And Their Effect On Students Learning

    Introduction Education allows students to navigate power systems and decide how to participate as a citizen of the world (Hammond & Jackson, 2015). This learning occurs when students pay attention, feel challenged, and connect to their culture and community (Hammond & Jackson, 2015). As such, teachers must utilize effective classroom management and hold students accountable…

  • The Peculiarities Of Montessori Classroom Management

    Introduction to Montessori Classroom Management When people hear of children going to a Montessori school, they wonder if the children are given too much freedom in their own education. They speculate that if the child gets to make their own decisions about their day, rather then choosing to learn, theyd choose to engage in non-academic…

  • Learning In Pandemic Conditions: From Classroom To Webroom

    The spread of corona virus across globe made education come to a standstill the stirring spoon was online teaching and learning. Online learning got a spotlight in corona crisis. The journey from classroom to web room was indeed not planned and anticipated but became a sudden need of the hour. At such times the research;…

  • Learning Outside The Classroom: Benefits And Disadvantages Essay

    This assignment aims to critically discuss learning outside the classroom with a focus upon science, by defining key terms and the benefits and drawbacks of it. Involving a medium-term plan with a cross curricular design and associated with a chosen educational setting; risk assessment will be attached to highlight the risk and precautions of learning…

  • Social And Material Aspects In Formation Of Classroom Climate

    Growing up people would remember that theyve had a class where the classroom feels a bit uncomfortable. The idea is that if a student feels uncomfortable within a classroom because they fear the hostility or ridicule the student might receive well they wont bother engaging. Educators must learning to create a comfortable classroom climate to…

  • Reading Curriculum and English Language Learners in the Classroom

    Introduction When English Language Learners or ELLs are introduced into their new English-speaking classroom they are usually at a disadvantage from the very beginning. They do not know the new language they are being immersed in and they unfortunately do not have the tools they need in order to be successful in that new setting.…

  • Application of Comics in the Classroom

    The question of how best to teach our children is both old and constantly developing. In recent years, technology has changed the world drastically, forcefully altering the way we look at education. Youth culture today is increasingly visual, short attention span, and often less willing to invest significant effort in traditional text-based learning. In addition,…

  • Classroom Observations and Predictions: Behavior and Information Principles and Processing Models

    Abstract Behavior principals can be used to evaluate the future success of a student in the classroom environment. The types of consequences used, shaping, and antecedents should all be considered when tailoring a plan for a student. Learning in the classroom will be greatly determined by the students ability to access executive processing skills. Teachers…