Category: Civil War

  • The United States’ Role In The 1994 Rwandan Genocide

    The United States involvement, or lack thereof, in the Rwandan genocide of 1994 has been a topic of much public interest and research in the last two and a half decade since the genocide. The United States is faulted for not only having failed to act appropriately to prevent the genocide, but also having failed…

  • Background And Results Of Rwandan Genocide

    The word genocide is used for describing violence against members of a national, ethnic, racial or religious group or those with contrasting political opinions with the intention of destroying the entire group. In the Rwandan genocide, members of an ethnic group known as the Tutsi were killed because of their ethnicity. Their killers were extreme…

  • Rwandan Genocide: Historical Aspect

    ABSTRACT This paper talks about the Rwandan Genocide. In April 1994 an event would take place scarring thousands of people around the world. I used this genocide to gain insight into what genocide is and why people choose to participate in them. Also, to talk about the severity of this event. The first have of…

  • The Justification Of The Rwandan Genocide

    No logic, no reason, no explanation. Just a prolonged nightmare in which fear, loneliness and the unexplainable walk hand in hand through the shadows. In a moment we will start to gather clues as to the whys the whats the whens and the wheres. We will not end the nightmare well only explain it because…

  • How Identity Construction Contributed To The Rwandan Genocide

    The Rwandan genocide began in the 2nd week of April 1994 and by the 3rd week of May 1994, about 5-10 percent of Rwandas population had been killed, mostly by the Hutus. Beneath all the propaganda and clichés lies reality- the patholigization of ethnic identities. An unbiased study and understanding of why these people died…

  • What Technology Was Used During The Civil War

    The Civil War was during a time period that saw many new methods and inventions being used for the first time. The inventions were used to help quickly advance the war being over which caused more complex injuries. Therefore, medical practices had to evolve to treat these injuries and the diseases caused by poor medical…

  • The Reasons That Causes Of The American Civil War

    Slavery may have been gathered up as the motivation of the American Civil War, however, the start of the debate started in the hour of the Revolution with a weakened decentralized government under the Articles of Confederation. Later increased momentum as a regional expansion set Americans against one another on discussing whether the new states…

  • What Damage Was Caused During The Civil War

    The Civil War was the bloodiest battle to occur on U.S. soil to date and its consequences lasted long after the final bullet flew. Many argue that the South after the Civil War was in a state of despair. Many establishments, homes, schools, businesses, and many lives were lost to the violence that spread through…

  • Rwandan An Example Of The Importance Of Modernity In Explaining Genocide

    To what extent was Rwanda an example of the importance of modernity in explaining genocide? Introduction In Rwanda 1994, 800,000 to 1 million people were slaughter mercilessly in 100 days. The genocide was meticulously planned, and the larger purpose was to eradicate the Tutsi race, this was identified before the genocide had occurred. It is…

  • Top Five Battles Won by the North

    The first battle the North won was the Battle of the Bull Run. The second battle was the Shiloh. The third battle was the Antietam. The fourth battle was the Gettysburg. The fifth battle was the Appomattox Courthouse. Referred to in the north as the Battle of Bull Run and in the South as the…