Category: Children
The Impact On Children Who View Domestic Violence In Their Homes
Domestic abuse is classified by several things, including scratching, slapping, spitting, threatening, burning, etc. Due to aggressive domestic violence some children are exposed to at a young age, they are often left with a lifelong impact. These impacts include anxiety, depression, as well as possible violent behavior in their future. My research is focusing on…
Overcoming Loss And Grief By Children And Adults
Children, adolescents, and adults, experience, understand and react to the passing of a loved one or passing of any person differently. Grief is normal and an expected response in anyone that experiences a loss; however, the symptoms of grief are often misunderstood in children and youngsters going through bereavement. When a loved one dies, how…
How Does Video Games Affect The Children In Our Generation?
How does video games affect the children in our generation? Video games affect children in our generation in multiple ways. In this research you will find that video games affects children in our generation because it causes lack of being social , lack of sleep/rest, and causes bad habits/bad influences .Therefore , it distracts them…
The Correlation Of Parental Strictness And Child Lying
Abstract A class study was conducted to measure the correlation between parental strictness and child lying. We wanted to find whether the stricter a parent is, the more likely it is for a child to lie. We used a survey to measure how strict a parent is using a Strict Parenting Scale. How accepting a…
Howard Gardner’s Theory Of Intelligence And Career Prospects Of Children
This assignment examines Howard Gardners theory of intelligence. It further shows the career prospects of children that possess each of the seven types of intelligences. Howard Gardners theory of intelligence points out to seven intelligences possess by a child in the process of growth and interactions with others. According to Northern Illinois University (n.d) Gardners…
Effects Of Domestic Violence On Children
Domestic violence is a very controversial topic that affects almost every American in some way, shape or form. Domestic violence victims have not always been treated as most would like to see. Coming from that are many different foundations, that are supporting the victims by creating support systems, shelters, hotlines, and many more implementations have…
The Importance Of Competitive Sports For Children
Competitive sports is a great way to grow as a child or even an adult. Most people think that sports are bad for kids, they think they might get hurt, but if the kid gets hurt, they need to get that out of their mind set and try again. Kids really love sports and sports…
Analysis of Cognitive Development in Children: Jean Piaget’s Theory
Introduction Cognitive development is concerned with the stages of human development, which encompasses memory, rationale and the ability of making choices (Ahmad, Hussain, Battool, Sittar & Malik, 2016, 72). According to the cognitive development theory, developed by Jean Piaget, children experience various levels of cognitive awareness of their environment, and each child is developing at…
How Martial Arts Can Help Your Child Overcome Shyness
Remember when you had your child? the thrill of joy that ran through you was inexplicable. One goal becomes apparent: To raise up the best child ever; physically strong, physiologically and mentally equipped to face the seemingly endless hurdles that life will eventually present to them, and to ultimately help them on their journey towards…
Overcoming Loss And Grief By Children And Adults
Children, adolescents, and adults, experience, understand and react to the passing of a loved one or passing of any person differently. Grief is normal and an expected response in anyone that experiences a loss; however, the symptoms of grief are often misunderstood in children and youngsters going through bereavement. When a loved one dies, how…