Category: Childhood

  • Childhood Obesity: a Population Health Issue

    Abstract Obesity is increasing worldwide, and children have not been left out. An increase in the incidence rate of between 20% and 30% is realized every decade (Rosenbaum et al., 2011). Childhood obesity is a serious population health issue because of the adverse and fatal consequences that range from health, social, economic, and psychological consequences.…

  • Anti-Bias Curriculum in Early Childhood Classroom

    Table of Contents Anti-Bias Curriculum Strategies to Support an Anti-bias Classroom Reflection of My Own Bias Activity Plan References The bias in the early childhood classroom affects the formation of undesirable attitudes towards different social groups, which impacts their general dysfunctional integration into modern society. Adequate socialization in the current realities presupposes the celebration of…

  • Childhood Obesity: a Population Health Issue

    Abstract Obesity is increasing worldwide, and children have not been left out. An increase in the incidence rate of between 20% and 30% is realized every decade (Rosenbaum et al., 2011). Childhood obesity is a serious population health issue because of the adverse and fatal consequences that range from health, social, economic, and psychological consequences.…

  • Reading Interventions and Cognitive Development in Early Childhood Education

    Introduction Reading entails the use of touch or sight to take in symbols, signs, or letters and derive meaning from the signs and symbols. The act of reading engages early learners and helps them to make use of the conventional signs and symbols posted at different locations, and in the long run, the ability to…

  • Health and Safety Training for Early Childhood Educators

    Thesis Statement Nutrition, health, and safety training are significant for early childhood educators. An early childhood educator is the first person after the parent who is involved in close interaction with a child. He or she, therefore, has a great impact on the child since a child is highly receptive at an early age. At…

  • Advocacy Campaign: the Problem of Childhood Obesity

    Table of Contents Ethical Dilemmas Tackling the Dilemmas Ethics and Lobbying Laws Special Ethical Challenges Unique to Children Summary References The proposed advocacy campaign seeks to address the problem of childhood obesity. The approach will entail the use of powerful campaigns and educational processes to raise awareness of the major risk factors for obesity. The…

  • Childhood Obesity and Parent Education: Ethical Issues

    Table of Contents Ethical Issues Limitations of Proposed Study Implications for Practice References Ethical Issues Apart from the positive intentions of the research, different ethical considerations have to be described. One of the issues is the leakage of confidential information about participants (Creswell & Poth, 2017). This problem has to be discovered of high importance…

  • Linguistic Diversity in Early Childhood Education

    The experts around the world recognize that the early childhood is the period of most rapid physical and childs mental development, the initial formation of physical and mental qualities which are needed a person during the rest of his life, such qualities and properties that make him human. The feature of this period, that distinguishes…

  • The Issues of Childhood Obesity: Overweight and Parent Education

    Introduction The issue of obesity is now trending globally. The absence of physical activity among individuals struggling with overweight is also prevalent. Moreover, these two problems combined have a great impact on children and may increase premature mortality rates in middle age (Muthuri, Onywera, Tremblay, Broyles, & Fogelholm, 2015). The problems of overweight and lack…

  • Health and Safety Training for Early Childhood Educators

    Thesis Statement Nutrition, health, and safety training are significant for early childhood educators. An early childhood educator is the first person after the parent who is involved in close interaction with a child. He or she, therefore, has a great impact on the child since a child is highly receptive at an early age. At…