Category: Childhood

  • Childhood Obesity and Governmental Measures

    It is imperative to mention that childhood obesity has turned into a crucial problem over the last few years, and it is especially problematic in the United States because the number of individuals that suffer from this condition has quadrupled over a relatively short period of thirty years (Sabin & Kiess, 2015). The government should…

  • Nutrition: Fighting the Childhood Obesity Epidemic

    Contents Introduction Who is to blame? Solution to Obesity The Children Parents Works Cited Introduction Childhood obesity is defined variably as the condition of excessive body fat in children that adversely his/her health. It has been cited as a serious health concern issue in many countries. BMI, which is an acronym for Body Mass Index,…

  • Adapting to Childhood Chronic Illness

    Today, more than ever before, the problem of chronic illness is no longer a concern limited to the family setting. Systematic studies conducted over time continue to project how caring for a child with chronic illness can be both emotionally and physically challenging if proper procedures and strategies are not followed. In this particular study,…

  • Childhood Obesity and Its Solutions

    Table of Contents Introduction Role of Parents Prevention Strategies Clinical Interventions Conclusion References Introduction Researchers have extensively investigated the topic of childhood obesity to come up with appropriate solutions to this growing issue and find evidence in support of the proposed intervention. This section will present a literature review of relevant studies on childhood obesity,…

  • Childhood Obesity: Medication and Parent Education

    Table of Contents Background and Significance of the Problem Problem Statement and Purpose of Study Research Questions and Hypotheses Variables with Operational Definitions Conclusion References Nowadays, obesity can be listed among extremely common health issues that lead to a variety of risks. The presence of excess body fat in children has to be given special…

  • Childhood Obesity Research Critiques

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction Childhood obesity is a prevalent health issue in developed countries defined as the excess of body fat and creates a high risk for the general population to develop a range of adverse problems and co-morbidities as demographics evolve. Numerous efforts have been made to address the…

  • Childhood Obesity in the US

    Childhood obesity is a known problem for many developed countries in the world. In the United States of America, the significance of this problem is very high as according to the facts and statistics regarding childhood obesity presented by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, at least one of every five children of school…

  • Parents Education in Childhood Obesity Prevention

    There is no doubt that the problem of childhood obesity in the United States and other countries can be regarded as one of the most important factors influencing the health of the entire nation. Considering the current obesity rates in the United States, the situation is quite different for various states, but the most common…

  • Childhood Obesity, Health and Psychological State

    Childhood obesity remains a complex, multilayered issue that can be caused and exacerbated by a variety of factors. The relationship between parental education and childhood obesity is considered an environmental factor. However, it does not account for a series of extraneous variables that can impact the childs health and psychological state in the modern world.…

  • Childhood Obesity in Ocean Springs Mississippi

    Table of Contents Introduction Obesity in Children in Mississippi Interventions using Watson Theory Conclusion Work Cited Introduction Obesity can be defined in simple terms as having too much fat than the amount required by the body and it occurs when you consume more calories than is required by the body. This imbalance between the calories…