Category: Child Abuse

  • Forms, Causes And Effects Of Child Physical Abuse In India

    Introduction Child abuse is doing something or failing to do something that results in harm to the child or puts the child at the risk of doing harm. Child abuse can be physical, sexual or emotional. Neglect or not making provision for the needs of the child is also a form of abuse. In India…

  • Definition, Statistics And Factors Of Child Abuse And Neglect

    Child abuse and neglect has become more and more common today than it was years ago. Not only is it more common, but the severity of it has grown greatly over the years. The abuse has become worse and worse over time. The sole purpose of this research my paper is to bring awareness to…

  • The Reasons And Preventions Of Child Sexual Abuse

    Child sexual abuse is a sexual activity between an adult and a minor. There are different forms of child sexual abuse like fondling, exposing themselves to the minor, showing pornographic images, etc. It does not necessarily include physical contact. A child cannot have any type of sexual activity with no one, not even relatives. Families…

  • Spanking and Its Harmful Effects

    Spanking is a widely practiced ritual in many countries; it is another way of ‘disciplining’ youngsters to behave appropriately. Because it is kept a secret which most people don’t talk about, and children are expected to sit and watch their parents do anything ‘behind closed doors’. This method of discipline (spanking) can sometimes lead to…

  • Essay on Impact of Child Abuse on Toddler Development

    There are so many written portions on Child Abuse and its effect on toddler Development in world literature for the last 50 years. From this written literature erected almost 10 years of posted literature. The reviewer is attempting to overlook some chosen literature as stated above in defining and assessing in the precis stage below…

  • Child Abuse: The Schools Role

    Child abuse includes acts of physical, sexual and emotional abuse. It is estimated that about half of all children who are abused are of school age. The consequences of abuse can be profound for its victims, including physical and/or emotional injury, difficulty in building healthy relationships, and increased likelihood of engaging in child abuse as…

  • Abused Children And Depression

    Abuse of children, unfortunately, has become a common thing that happens in society. Many children are abused. The lucky few are removed from their abusers and given therapeutic help, if available, while others abuse continues to go unreported; emotional abuse seems to go unreported because people tend to brush it off. People who are emotionally…

  • How Parents Can Interpret And Deal With The Signs Of Child Abuse Trauma

    Trauma caused by child abuse can take many forms. The key is to identify it, interpret it and deal with it. This is often left up the caregivers of the abused child/children. The main question that we are going to focus on is: How can these caregivers interpret and deal with the signs of child…

  • Child Abuse Vs Discipline Essay

    Parents physically abuse their kids. Its a practice that parents have been using for countless centuries now. One of the first was Spartan fathers, who have been reported to have hit their sons with a wooden log if they woke up late or failed to do an activity. Even though this practice of hitting kids…

  • Child Abuse Argumentative Essay

    In January 2018, a 911 call was placed by a seventeen-year-old girl who had just escaped from being shackled to a bed in her Los Angeles home where she and her twelve other siblings had been kept prisoners. Recently in April of 2019, David and Louise Turpin were sentenced to twenty-five years to life in…