Category: Cat

  • Comparison of Dogs and Cats



    These days many families have pets in their households. Our pets are an extension of our family tree. Deciding on the perfect furry friend to bring home can often be a difficult decision. The pets commonly found in our homes today are cats and dogs. For years, there have been debates about which species is…

  • Dogs and Cats: Similarities and Differences



    Did you know that there is around 86.4 million cats and 78.2 million dogs in the USA? Dogs are the most popular pet around the world, owned by 33 percent respondents, with cats next at 23 percent. There are many differences between cats and dogs but also many similarities. Cats and dogs have different ways…

  • Dogs Vs Cats Battle



    Its the age-old battle, cats versus dogs, everyones heard it, most of us have argued about it, but no one seems to change their mind. Both sides have valid arguments and criticism but no one can decide what outweighs what. Maybe the reason is that everything is subjective, it is fruitless to argue whats better…

  • Cats vs Dogs Essay



    Compare and Contrast: Dogs or Cats — Is There Really A Better Pet? A dog or a cat: which would you choose? By nature, dogs are pack animals; they do best in an environment where they are surrounded by animals or people that can provide for them, even if their pack is only made up…

  • Dogs Are Better Than Cats Essay



    Introduction You have probably been asked at some point in your life if you are a dog person or a cat person. Some people love both animals. But if you had to live with just one, which one would you choose? There has been an ongoing war between ‘dog dog’ and ‘cat’ for decades, perhaps…