Category: Caring
Connection of Health Promotion and Health Care: Analytical Essay
Health promotion (Ru Shi Scenario 1) Health issues are always surrounding us nowadays. The different age group has their concerns to health. Health promotion is a platform allowing the public to know the health issues in deep. The definition of Health Health is an abstract concept that is hard to explain by absolute term. World…
Essay on Dementia
In this essay I will use the Rolfes Reflective Model (Rolfe et al. 2001), which by asking three question what, so what, then what, will help me to self-reflect on my nursing practise. I will also focus on using 3Cs from the 6Cs framework launched by Department of Health in 2012 (Baillie, 2017), as they…
Essay on Women Centred Care
According to WHO (2016), midwifery-led continuity of care models in which a known midwife or small groups of known midwives support a woman throughout the antenatal, intrapartum and postpartum continuum, are recommended for pregnant women in settings with well-functioning midwifery programs. The phenomenon of women-centered care has been acknowledged as a maker of quality in…
Issues of Universal Health Care in America
What differentiates who deserves health care and who does not? Impoverished Americans are losing their lives from treatable diseases and they are living in agony when there is medication to lessen the pain. Common middle-class Americans are facing financial instability from medical bills from fighting cancer and other chronic conditions are filing for bankruptcy due…
Reflection Essay on Universal Health Care in the World
Universal health care is prominent in 32 out of the 33 first-world countries (Regoli, n.d.). Though the United States is one of the wealthiest countries in the world, our great nation is divided when it comes to adopting such a policy. The topic of universal health care is so divided in our country that it…
The Essence Of Diabetes Management
Diabetes Mellitus can be a tricky disease. I use the word tricky because of all the complications that can be associated with Diabetes to include Hyper/Hypoglycemia, Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA), and Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic State (HHNS) to mention a few. Not including how blood sugar is directly affected by overall patient status and wound healing or…
Caring: Maria Elena Cox Personal Nursing Philosophy
Nursing theories are important to the practice of nursing. More importantly, theory-guided practice is important, as a nurse in any role, particularly in the role as an advanced practice registered nurse. It enables the nurse to deliver effective, efficient, and holistic care (Saleh, 2018). Theory guided practice is becomingly increasingly important in nursing that it…
Essay on the Role of a Caregiver
Bonding and attachment are critical processes whereby individuals mature and develop from birth. If these processes are neglected; physical, emotional, and cognitive growth all have significant implications on ones development (Jones & Creedy 2012, p.59). Bonding and attachment have social consequences due to the stigmatization and pressure on mothers as the primary caregiver, thus stereotyping…
Essay on Teamwork in Healthcare
Introduction In a clinical setting, teamwork and compassion are paramount to ensure patient safety and quality of care are adequate. It is important that healthcare professionals (HCPs) work in teams and practice self-compassion to reduce compassion fatigue and burnout. Self-compassion means that HCPs will have better mental and physical health so that when they are…
Essay on Service above Self
I have never given much thought to what my nursing philosophy may be, though I have heard the term once or twice it’s not a major emphasis in nursing school. I think as student nurses we are hyper-focused on having the right answer, memorizing drugs, and not making mistakes that we never think about something…