Category: Caregiver

  • Nursing Care Delivery Models Utilized by Caregivers

    Table of Contents Introduction Total Care Model Scholarly sources analysis Different models analysis Current Models implementation New model Conclusion References Introduction The modern healthcare sector could be considered an important sphere that is focused on the improvement of the quality of peoples lives and delivering care to all individuals in need. However, the increased complexity…

  • Hispanic Elderly Patients and Their Caregivers

    Table of Contents Introduction Dependent variable Independent variable Related studies Conclusion References Introduction The modern health care sector faces numerous problems that come from the peculiarities of the environment and peoples mentality. Besides, the alteration of food habits, usage of numerous substitutes combined with the high paces of life resulted in the appearance and evolution…

  • Caregiver for the Terminally Ill

    Caring for a person close to you is complex and challenging, especially when suffering from a terminal illness. As a caregiver, I have to give the best support professionally and as a person who could go through the same scenario. The family I am tasked with offering support to is Benson Gravel, who has a…

  • Coping and Subjective Burden in Caregivers of Older Relatives

    Table of Contents Research Question Search Strategy The sample of the study Quality Appraisal Data Extraction Data Analysis Conclusions, Limitations, and Implications Conclusion References Today, many studies have been commissioned to examine various issues affecting the quality of nursing care and to help enhance the delivery of professional care to patients. Since these researches yield…

  • Dementia  Health Issues and Caregiver Burden

    Definition of Dementia and Personal Experience Dementia is not, despite widespread belief otherwise, a specific illness. Instead, Dementia is a term used to collectively describe a wide range of conditions that lead to cognitive decline, memory impairment, and other brain disorders [1]. The most prevalent form of Dementia is Alzheimers Disease, which is a debilitating…

  • Lessons Learned From a Job as a Caregiver

    Introduction Despite meticulously created curricula aimed at developing skills and teaching all necessary knowledge essential for a young professional in a work setting, there are issues that cannot be properly trained in the classroom. Indeed, when it comes to practice and proper completion of job tasks, an individual does not only use the skills and…