Category: Capital Punishment

  • How Much of a Deterrent is the Death Penalty?

    INTRODUCTION Deterrence is probably the most commonly expressed reason for maintaining death penalty but in fact, studies shows there is no connection between the presence or absence of the death penalty and murder rates (Deterrence and the Death Penalty,2012). Deters is to prevent someone from doing something or to make someone less enthusiastic about doing…

  • The Capital Punishment: Should it Be Abolished or Kept?

    Imagine you are walking through the corridors of a jail with a guard on both sides. For your last minute of life, the only things that are going through your mind is your family and what led to this painful end. You walk into the execution room; it is dark and there is this bad…

  • The Reasons against Capital Punishment

    The death penalty is barbaric and profound, defined through killing being a more economically and socially understandable ruling to those who commit heinous crimes. The application of the death penalty is so arbitrary that it violates the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment (Cornell Law). The judicial system should not have the right…

  • The Necessity of Capital Punishment

    Is there really a right or wrong answer when it comes to choosing a side for capital punishment? After reading that question, you may have asked yourself what capital punishment means. According to capital punishment is legally authorized killing of someone as punishment for a crime. Any crime that makes one face capital punishment…

  • The Reasons of Abolishing of Capital Punishment

    According to Wikipedia the term capital punishment is also referred to as death penalty which is done through execution and is a state form of punishment to serious crimes committed by someone. This form of punishment is done after passing all the due processes of the law. Debates among various interest groups on the abolishing…

  • Is Capital Punishment Optional or Essential for Criminal System?

    Why do we need Capital punishment in this world? Capital punishment or capital offence is an execution that kills someone committees an unforgivable or inhumane crime according to the country´s law. Nowadays, there are 56 countries still practicing this penalty, such as China, Iran and Saudi Arabia. I am agree with capital punishment, because it…

  • Positive and Negative Sides of Capital Punishment

    First to enter in the world of a capital punishment we need to know what is a crime, a crime is an action that offense, that may be prosecuted by the state and broke the laws, when it comes to capital punishment, it is about executing a person who has committed a serious crime enough…

  • Reasons For The Abolishment Of The Death Penalty

    Martin Luther King, Jr. (Ebony, 1957) when being asked the question of Do you think God approves the death penalty for crimes like rape and murder?, answered that: Capital punishment is against the best judgment of modern criminology and, above all, against the highest expression of love in the nature of God. For many centuries,…

  • Capital Punishment As A Violation Of Human Rights

    Every single day, people around the world are being unjustly executed by their own state for varying crimes. In some countries, one can be killed for stealing, while in other nations, it is reserved for murders or terrorism. The death penalty is inhumane and degenerating and should never be an option to punish someone. It…

  • Catholic Teaching And The Capital Punishment In The Movie The Green Mile

    The use of capital punishment is one contested issue within todays society and is present within the movie The Green Mile. The Green Mile tells a story of an unusual inmate who possess many inexplicable healing powers. The man who possess the special powers, named John Coffey, was convicted of killing two young girls however…