Category: Business 11471

  • Training and Business Development

    Before choosing one specific area of training in a call center, one needs to evaluate the ongoing issues within the organization. Because call center activities include a high level of technology involvement, depending on the situation, the most suitable area for training in a call center might be improving technology efficiency. However, considering the high…

  • Inventory Carrying and Transportation Costs Factors

    Geographical specialization, dissociating, balancing demand and supply, and uncertainty are the prime functions of inventory. Geographical specialization is a function that allows distribution in the company according to manufacturing, preserving the places, stages of the process, and creation, allowing the creation of value in the specialization they make (Hensel, 2016). For example, Boeing has a…

  • Planning Services in a Nonprofit Organization

    Table of Contents Introduction Research conduct Conclusion References Introduction Whether you are starting a new business or launching a new product, conducting a marketing analysis is the first step in determining if there is a need or audience for your idea. Knowing the markets needs and how it is currently serviced provides you with key…

  • Introduction to Legal Studies

    Introduction A Contract is a legal binding obligation created under an agreement between two or more persons that is enforceable by law. A contract is made valid by the following factors: there must be an offer and an acceptance, there must be an intention to create legal relations, the contract must be under deed or…

  • Executive Level Financial Report

    Executive Summary A multinational company is a company that is engaged in producing and selling goods or services in more than one country. It is a company that has headquarters in one country and operations in one or more countries. The main objective of MNC is to maximize shareholder wealth. This study will discuss the…

  • Subprime Mortgage Crisis Analysis

    Table of Contents Introduction Literature Review Subprime Crisis and Its Effects Effects on the US and World Economies and Recent Shutdowns Works cited Introduction The purpose of this study is to bring to light the mechanism of an economy and banking system. The study focuses on subprime crisis that has hit the US in the…

  • Global Banks-on Life Support

    Summary This article details the severity of the financial crisis that the international community in general and the US and Europe in particular are going through. The present crisis is being termed by analysts as the worst ever in more than three-quarters of a century. Now the authorities are on the lookout for rescue plans…

  • Drilling for Oil in Alaska in the Context of U.S. Gas Prices.

    Table of Contents Introduction Body Conclusion Bibliography: Introduction With frequent power cuts in states such as California and increasing gasoline prices there is an increased demand for energy. The federal government under President George W. Bush has put forth the strategy of increasing the energy supply by tapping the oil supply at the Arctic National…

  • Off-Work Behavior of Employees and Company Policies

    An employer can dismiss a member of staff based on gross misconduct while off-duty. Many employees have a misconception that their off-work actions do not concern their bosses. However, HR Insider (2020) underscores that the off-duty conduct of staff that hurt an employers standing, minimize an employees capacity to work efficiently, and make an employees…

  • Royal Mail Companys Team Learning

    Table of Contents Introduction Research Questions Aims of the research Methodology Realism Literature Review References Introduction Team learning is the art of providing answers to businesses problems through open questioning and seeking solutions to these questions that need to be addressed. Team members may, while working, find the necessity to solve issues and venture into…