Category: Business Planning

  • The Self-Care App: Business Plan

    Table of Contents Brief Competitor Analysis, Cost Structure & Business Plan Target Market and Its Needs Feasibility Analysis Key Economics of the Business References Brief Competitor Analysis, Cost Structure & Business Plan The main competition in the market is apps with similar features, including habit trackers, daily reminders, and reflection journals. Two examples stand out…

  • Air Travel Business Plan: The Real Cost of Training

    Table of Contents Underlying Issues Potential Alternatives Presumed and Estimated Costs References Prior to the analysis and the implementation of potential solutions, it is vital to assess the underlying issues that are contributing to the current excessive costs of travel. Currently, the total expenses of seven executives contribute to $75,000 in ticket costs and $15,000…

  • The Awaken Delaware Project: Business Plan

    Table of Contents Executive Summary Products/Services Marketing and Customers Finances Financial Projections Advantages and Disadvantages Conclusion References Executive Summary The Awaken Delaware Project implies providing the services of both a coach and a health practitioner. The proposed service will allow developing a unique approach toward the management of addictions, at the same time addressing their…

  • Collaborative Learning Community Business Plan

    Explain the nature of your assigned CLC Business Plan. What challenges do you anticipate? What information or resources do you need to be successful? Your CLC Business Plan is based on a hypothetical situation. How can you produce a realistic document that maximizes learning in a simulated context? The assigned Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) Business…

  • Tourist Application Business Plan

    Table of Contents Introduction Idea Summary and Analysis Production and Marketing Feasibility Financial Planning Techniques Marketing Plan Plan Monitoring Mechanism Conclusion Reference List Introduction In the east of the Arabian Peninsula, where the desert meets the Indian Ocean, is the Sultanate of Oman. Its history spans over two millennia. The landscapes of Oman are varied.…

  • Strategic Management: Art of Planning Business

    What is Strategic Management. Tthe strategic management process in a company Strategic management is the so-called art of planning business at the highest level and to the greatest extent. In other words, it involves the establishment of the companys short- and long-term goals, means of their achievement, analysis of market conditions, internal and external factors…

  • Thai-Lay Companys Business Plan Outline

    The industry: Thai-Lay Company is planning to enter in the UK garment industry. The UK garment industry is providing large number of customers having different tastes and needs. Therefore, Thai-Lay Company can ensure business growth in the industry. Industry and company: Thai-Lay Companys business objective is to market good quality and well designed garment products…

  • Business Planning Process for Entrepreneurs

    Table of Contents Introduction Main Text Conclusion Bibliography Introduction Business plan is the written description of the future of a business. It is a tool for entrepreneurs to realise their business goals. Entrepreneurs can use the business plan for coordinating the human resource personnel towards the business goals. Managers can be directed properly through well…

  • Business Plan Presentation and Its Specifics

    A business plan is not successful until it is not presented to an audience. During the presentation of a business plan, demonstration of passion is crucial because audiences need to see your engagement and interest in the business idea. Without affection, it is impossible to attract investments and people to your business plan and thought.…

  • The Strategic Business Plan for the Product Tamazon 4

    In my opinion, the strategic business plan for the product Tamazon 4 is developed very clearly and concisely. To optimize strategic business planning, a company must properly define its goals and conduct extensive research to properly understand industry trends, and in case of Tamazon 4, it had been done perfectly by the team. Moreover, the…