Category: Bullying

  • School Bullying and Problems in Adult Life

    Table of Contents Introduction What Is Bullying? How Bullying Affects the Adult Life Conclusion Annotated Bibliography Introduction The problem of school bullying has been addressed on different levels, including political, economic, cultural, juridical, educational, and many others. The causes of bullying vary, but they lead to severe issues that can remain unresolved for years. Bullying…

  • Bullying: A Guide for the Parents

    Table of Contents Warning Signs a Child Is a Victim Signs a Child Is a Bully Helping Kids Deal with Bullying Reducing Bullying: Effective Ways Female Bullies References Warning Signs a Child Is a Victim Cyberbullying is a relatively new type of bullying characterized by technological modalities, which make it slightly different from traditional bullying.…

  • Bullying in Schools: Anti-Bullying Programs

    Introduction Bullying in schools is a growing concern all over the world. Violence and insults cause psychological harm not only to victims but also to bullies. Students who get abused often feel insecure at school and dream of a safe place to go. In turn, those who insult their classmates may suffer from a lack…

  • The Relation Between the Teen Suicide and Bullying

    Suicide has been identified as one of the primary sources of death in the adolescent population. The CDC (2019) reports it as the second leading cause among children aged between 10 and 14 years old. While the causes of suicide vary on a case-by-case basis, evidence from Wang (2016) and Coon, Mitterer, & Martini (2020)…

  • Chronicles of Bullying: An Editorial Article

    Bullies are people with the prevailing antisocial behavior of getting under others skin and converting them to be their helpers (Besag, 2009). How and why on earth would one child bully another? Well, someone can be wondering what they gain by making others their subjects. Bullying can exist in different forms which including physical, verbal,…

  • The Problem of Bullying in School

    Introduction Bullying refers to the consistent and deliberate actions used by individuals to undermine others. Such actions aim to cause distress and provoke the victims since they are perceived to be powerless. In schools, bullying poses a danger to young students since it creates an uncomfortable environment for them to learn and thrive while pursuing…

  • Bullying in School: The Negative Effects

    Adult victims of bullying very rarely tell their friends and colleagues about their teenage experiences. It primarily affects the irresponsible attitude of schoolchildren and staff towards the phenomenon and motivates teenagers to continue attacks. Usually, bullying is a common problem, and only the ratio of verbal harassment to physical harm varies from school to school.…

  • Bullying and Its Impact on My Life

    Childhood and adolescence are usually considered a time of happiness, undisturbed by the problems that adults could face. However, children often encounter matters that are special for that age, as well as for the social environment in the school. At the same time, young people are still vulnerable, having not yet developed the appropriate methods…

  • Bullying Among Adolescents Problem

    Table of Contents Influence Factors Family Patterns and Social Relationships Social and Developmental Theories References Bullying is one of the most pressing problems in modern society. In particular, this phenomenon affects the younger generation. It is defined as a violent action of a negative nature that is directed at a certain person or several individuals…

  • Nurse Bullying: Unprofessional Conduct

    Bullying in workplaces comprises of deeds that directly bring forth emotional effects directed to a person over a given period. It is prevalent in the healthcare sector and acts as a menace to peer associations. It also impacts the rates of attrition and turnover in nursing (Meires, 2018). Bullying can be exhibited in the form…