Category: Bullying

  • Expository Essay on Bullying

    Bullying is a worldwide issue plaguing schools and even the workplace. As Bernard, Johnston, and Rampersad indicate in their article, ‘A new report from UNESCO (2019) states that nearly one in three students worldwide (32%) has been bullied at school at least once during the previous month. The article further goes on to state that…

  • The Meaning of Cyber Bullying

    Table of Contents Introduction Cyberbullying is characterized by the following signs The Effects of Cyber Bullying Solutions References Introduction The meaning of cyberbullying is to embarrass intimidate or in other words, it is the humiliating or treating of an individual using modern communication technology. The purpose of doing this is to acquire power and control…

  • Harsher Laws for Cyber Bullying

    The availability of the Internet and the development of social networks have allowed many people to expand their communication boundaries. For adults, virtual dating has become an addition to the existing skills of real communication. Teenagers learn communication skills both in life and on the Internet. Remote communication can be anonymous, making it possible to…

  • Bullying and Methods of Solving This Problem

    The article is devoted to the causes of bullying among children and adolescents. At first glance, bullying is a particular phenomenon in psychology. However, this term originated initially in the process of studying adult collectives. Bullying develops in almost any closed community  be it an army unit or an elite college  and the…

  • Fear Appeal in the Stop Bullying Public Campaign

    In the public service announcement (PSA) video Stop bullying, the subject matter is presented bluntly and shockingly. The forty-seven-second clip shows a high school girl receiving an aggressive text message from her peers, criticizing her appearance. Such statements are prevalent among young people who tend to place a high value on how people look and…

  • The Issue of High School Bullying

    Table of Contents Introduction Process of Finding and Selecting Sources Findings Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Bullying has increased in modern society, especially among high school students. Most high school students are in their teens; thus, they are more exposed to the vices happening in society and are more vulnerable to the various forms of bullying.…

  • Cyber Bullying Messages in Communication Networks

    Table of Contents Introduction Causes of Bullying Ways of Resolving Bullying Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Bullying can come in many different forms, but it always causes injury or even worse. Bullying victims may carry the psychological wounds of their ordeal for the rest of their life, even when there is no direct interaction between both…

  • The Social Problem of Bullying and the School System

    Table of Contents Introduction Part I: Bullying and the School System Part II: School System Evaluation Part III: Schools Influence on Bullying Conclusion References Introduction Contemporary social problems occupy a significant place in the lives of numerous people and societies. Considering the wide variety of social issues that prevent numerous individuals from maintaining a high…

  • Bullying: A Serious Social Problem

    Table of Contents Introduction Student bullying Why bullying happens Who does bullying? Is experience linked to bullying? Effects of bullying What has been done? Measures to be taken to deter bullying Reference List Introduction Bullying is an undesirable word commonly encountered in schools and at workplaces. Bullying is associated with the abusive behavior of an…

  • High School Bullying: Psychological Aspects

    Table of Contents Topic Discussion Focus Indication Reason for Interest Significance Research Plan Works Cited Topic Discussion Numerous adverse effects and reasons are ascribed to bullying in high school. According to the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs (ASPA), it may affect the bystanders, the actors, and the victims of bullying. It has been argued that…