Category: Buddhism

  • Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism: The Afterlife Concepts

    Introduction Religion provides purpose and meaning, allowing its followers to navigate in a world full of uncertainty. This idea explains the seminal status of the worlds leading beliefs, as they possess well-established and documented descriptions of all key spheres of life. Among these aspects, the afterlife occupies a unique position due to the importance of…

  • Karma and Reincarnation in Buddhism

    Table of Contents The Mechanism of Karma For Whom Karma Is Produced Karma and Rebirth References Karma presumably is among the primary associations with Buddhism; a non-professional individual, who does not have a complete understanding of the notion, quite probably will possess a generalized view of its meaning. In one respect, this shows the necessity…

  • Hinduism vs. Buddhism: Similarities & Differences

    Today, it is normal to see people choosing different religions and following specific beliefs as an integral part of their lives. There are usually no restrictions related to the decision on what religion to practice, but understanding the historical backgrounds, morals, and metaphysical views remains critical. This essay compares Hinduism and Buddhism and reveals what…

  • Buddhisms Resilience from Western Ideologies

    Table of Contents Introduction Conversion Peacekeeping Modernity Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Siddhartha Gautama, also known as the Buddha, is the co-founder of the Buddhism faith that came into existence in India over 2500 years ago. Buddhism is considered one of the major religions in the world due to its large group of believers. A more…

  • The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism in Personal Life

    Buddhism is an Indian-originated religion with complex beliefs and teachings taught by Buddha after wandering around searching for understanding. Buddha spent time learning the basic teachings of the Four Noble Truths, dealing with human suffering, which he had fully understood. Buddha spent the remaining bit of his life teaching elementary doctrines of Buddhism, which led…

  • Discussion of History of Buddhism

    Table of Contents Introduction Resilience of Buddhism from the 19th Century Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Buddhism is one of leading faiths that has shaped human worship and behavior for over 2,500 years. Presently, this religion has more than 500 million believers. Historically, Buddhism remained prominent in Southeast Asia and East. This religion continues to promote…

  • Buddhism: New Religions and Human Balance

    Despite its stance in society, religion will always be somehow reflected in the way people appraise the world and outline their values. Thus, Buddhism, one of the fundamental world religions, has been introduced in a series of new forms over the past years. A prime example of such a modernized interpretation of Buddhism is a…

  • The Dukkha Concept in Buddhism

    Dukkha is a traditional element of the religious philosophy of Buddhism, aimed at describing the prevailing situation in the surrounding material world. According to Buddhists, the earthly human reality is primarily the world of suffering  traditionally, the word dukkha is translated by religious scholars from Sanskrit as a designation of suffering. Dukkha is one…

  • Christianity and Buddhism: Interreligious Relations

    Table of Contents Introduction The Reasons why Buddhism is Classified as a Religion The Social System of Buddhism Interreligious Dialogue between Christians and Buddhists Conclusion References Introduction Unfortunately, not many representatives of different religions can participate in interreligious dialogue because their theological assumptions may be utterly different. A conversation between religious people calls for a…

  • Buddhism and the Life Teaching of Siddhartha

    Contents Introduction The Teaching of Four Noble Truths Spread of Buddhism and Upheaval of Democracy Dependent Origination Conclusion References Buddhism Essay Introduction Buddhism is believed to have been in existence, way before Siddhartha existed (United Press International, 2007, p. 1). Most scholars observe that the roots of Buddhism are very deep, and though Siddhartha contributed…