Category: Breast Cancer

  • Racism in Breast Cancer Treatment

    Introduction Cancer treatment is the least studied field that arises numerous ambiguities and requires a more sophisticated approach in studying. There is still no unanimous opinion among the scholars and therapists towards what approach to use in cancer therapy and what are the reasons of cancer. The racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic disparities only aggravate the…

  • Womens Disease: Breast Cancer and Its Consequence

    Breast cancer is one of the most common cancer types worldwide. According to Sun et al. (2017), it amounts to 25-30% of all cancer cases detected yearly among women. Cases of male breast cancer are relatively rare and do not exceed 1% of the total number (Sun et al., 2017). Survival rates for breast cancer…

  • Prevention of Breast Cancer

    Table of Contents The Introduction of Study Research problems Research Question Literature Review Practice Issues Background and Significance of the Problem References The Introduction of Study The present proposal offers a study that will examine the possible effectiveness of consultations performed by advanced registered nurse practitioners (ARNPs) in promoting the use of mammography in high-risk…

  • Breast Cancer and Stress Heightening

    Introduction Effective stress management and coping patient education rests upon the thorough understanding of pertinent psychological theories and defense mechanisms. Breast cancer is a condition that creates a state of heightened stress associated with the disease discovery, treatment, and the necessity to deal with its consequences (Potthoff et al., 2013). This paper aims to discuss…

  • Care of Breast Cancer-Related Lymphoedema

    For most women, breast cancer and its treatment are often accompanied by lymphoedema. This phenomenon is described as a pathological accumulation of protein-rich fluid in the interstitial space which occurs due to impaired lymph transport and is accompanied by an increase in the affected organ volume. Timely assessment plays a vital role in successful treatment…

  • The Disease of Breast Cancer: Definition and Treatment

    Table of Contents Definition Etiology Pathogenesis Manifestations Laboratory Diagnosis Treatment References Definition Breast cancer is a serious disease during which the breast cells experience abnormal growth. The illness is a form of cancer, a widespread disease that is primarily characterized by facilitated uncontrollable cell multiplication in various parts of the body. The cell growth has…

  • A Research of Breast Cancer Survival

    Contents Summary/Abstract Aims/Objectives Research question Introduction Literature Review Design Methodology, methods and analysis Ethical considerations Timeline Budget Summary/Abstract We know the cancer of breast tissue as Breast cancer. It has reported too that breast cancer affects woman ageing of any age at least in the western world. Breast cancer is supposed to be the most…

  • Music Therapy Effects for Breast Cancer Patients

    Table of Contents Introduction Research Question Research Design Sample Data Collection Method Limitations of the Study Major Findings Summary References Introduction The research by Lesiuk (2015) is dedicated to discovering the effect of mindfulness-based music therapy on attention and mood among women diagnosed with breast cancer who receive adjuvant chemotherapy. Previous studies prove that breast…

  • Postmenopausal Women with Breast Cancer

    Table of Contents Introduction Approval and participants Research question and study variables Literature review and sources Framework Hypothesis Study design Study approach References Introduction Quantitative research entails objectivity as well as generalization of results (Moballeghi & Moghaddam, 2008). This research critique is a review of the article, Experience of adjuvant treatment among postmenopausal women with…

  • Breast Cancer: Threat to the Patients

    Tumors manifesting in mammary glands are majorly benign, representing almost no threat to the patients. Although their cells are different from others, they lack the ability to transfer to other organs. Cancer is developed from mutations, namely from atypical changes in genes that regulate cell growth and keep them healthy. Malignant cells multiply uncontrollably, and…