Category: Biodiversity

  • How Biotechnology Affects The Earths Biodiversity

    Biotechnology is defined as the exploitation of living systems and biological processes to develop tools for technological use. It may be applied in areas such as industry, medicine, environmental sciences as well as computer design. The field of biotechnology is very broad because there is such a wealth of biological phenomena which we could harness…

  • Biodiversity: Costa Rica v. Merck & Company

    Introduction Declining biodiversity across the world has compelled many countries to come up with effective conservation measures that enhance sustainable use of natural resources. The Costa Rica National Institute of Biodiversity entered into unique agreement in 1991 with a pharmaceutical company, Merck & Company, which allowed joint exploration and exploitation of biodiversity for the benefit…

  • Risk Adverse vs. Risk Tolerance in Biodiversity

    In the case of risk adverse situations, it is possible to make contradictory preferences when the problem comes in different forms. In other words, choices are made depending on the circumstances. The risk aversion occurs when the positive outcome is smaller, though with greater certainty. The situation is different when the reward is greater with…

  • Print Site this Scientific Taxonomy and Earths Biodiversity

    Ruschas rat (Abrawayaomys ruschii) and giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) were selected for the analysis of mammals. First of all, it should be stated that the similar features of all the mammals are shared among all the species, and the two selected are not an exception. The common features, which Ruschas rat and giant panda share…

  • Urban Sprawl and Biodiversity

    It has been acknowledged that people have had a substantial impact on the environment and biodiversity. Deforestation and pollution are regarded as some of the primary negative effects that influence the planet (Tomalty & Mallach, 2016). At the same type, other factors related to human activity are significant factors contributing to the destruction of ecosystems.…

  • Essay on Importance of Biodiversity

    Essay on Biodiversity: Biodiversity is the presence of different species of plants and animals on the earth, which means its crucial that we take care of these precious creatures and preserve their habitats so they can thrive in todays world. This Essay on Biodiversity on the importance of biodiversity will teach you about the vital…

  • Conservation Biology and Preservation of the Biodiversity

    Introduction The aspects of biology conservation, and preservation of the biodiversity on the planet are becoming increasingly important for the humanity. Originally, there are numerous ways of coping with this problem, and this paper is aimed at analyzing the results of a survey, which was offered to random people. The questionnaire included questions mainly on…

  • Pros and Cons of Biodiversity

    rotecting forests and restoring wetlands are some of the actions companies and governments are taking to make up for biodiversity lost as a result of their development activities. These measurable conservation actions – designed to compensate for unavoidable impacts, on top of prevention and mitigation measures already implemented – are known as biodiversity offsets. The…

  • Environmental Issues: Biodiversity Loss

    Biodiversity is important for many reasons, including ecological services, such as pollution breakdown and absorption, soil formation, and social services, for example, recreation and tourism. According to Roe (2019), the loss of biodiversity is an environmental problem that needs urgent intervention since it threatens livelihoods. The article Biodiversity LossMore Than An Environmental Emergency provides a…

  • Climate Change Impacts Floridas Biodiversity

    Introduction The ecological system of Florida contains several distinct life forms with rarest species as compared to other ecosystems. Floridas geographical location and longitudinal range makes it situated in a manner that almost all parts of South Florida have a tropical climate and the central and northern parts of Floridas State is humid subtropical containing…